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Antrittsvorlesung Prof. Dr. Joyce Edmonds und Prof. Dr. Martina Spiess

Das Departement Gesundheit der ZHAW lädt Sie herzlich zu den Antrittsvorlesungen von Prof. Dr. Joyce Edmonds (Institut für Hebammenwissenschaften und reproduktive Gesundheit) und Prof. Dr. Martina Spiess (Institut für Ergotherapie) ein.

Prof. Dr. Joyce Edmonds: Perinatal Decision-Making: Reducing Intervention Overuse and Variability in Childbirth Practices for Public Health Impact

This talk will showcase key lines of research that have shaped my academic journey at the intersection of perinatal care and public health. I will highlight studies on provider choice, place of birth decisions, and variability in childbirth practices, emphasizing the broader public health implications. The talk will offer insights into how research-driven approaches can improve maternal and neonatal health and the essential role of midwifery in improving care outcomes.

Prof. Dr Joyce K. Edmonds has been working at the ZHAW since March 2024 as a Professor and Co-Lead of the Institute of Midwifery and Reproductive Health. She was previously a tenured Associate Professor at Boston College. She is Editor in Chief of JOGNN and a Senior Research Scientist at Ariadne Labs, Harvard School of Public Health. She was awarded the title of professor for the research and teaching area ‘Midwifery and Reproductive Health”

Prof. Dr. Joyce Edmonds

Co-Leitung des Instituts für Hebammenwissenschaft und reproduktive Gesundheit
Zum Personenprofil

Prof. Dr. Martina Spiess: Bridging Innovation and Practice: Maximizing the Impact of Rehabilitation Technology in the Field of Neurological Rehabilitation

Over the past three decades, a plethora of technological tools have been developed for the use in the field of neurorehabilitation. However, many of these tools have yet to fulfill their promise or potential. This inaugural lecture will explore the reasons behind this shortfall and propose potential solutions for practice. It will also highlight the critical role that health care professions must play in the development and application of rehabilitation technology to ensure its success in practice and for our clients. 

Prof. Dr. Martina Rebekka Spiess has been with ZHAW since September 2020, serving as a senior research associate and lecturer at the Institute of Occupational Therapy. Her interprofessional research integrates her extensive experience from clinical practice, the med-tech industry, and academia to enable participation and enhance the lives of persons with neurological impairments. Prof. Spiess has been awarded the title of Professor for the research and teaching area ‘Occupational Therapy’.

Prof. Dr. Martina Spiess

Projektleiterin Forschung und Dozentin Institut für Ergotherapie
Zum Personenprofil


Von: 1. Oktober 2024, 17.30 Uhr


ZHAW, Campus Stadt-Mitte, Gebäude MG
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur


ZHAW Departement Gesundheit
Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9
8400 Winterthur