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BRCGS Packaging Materials issue 6 Standard now published

BRCGS announced the publication of the sixth issue of its Packaging Standard. The Standard now provides a robust framework for all types of packaging manufacturers to assist them in the production of safe packaging materials and to better manage product quality to meet customers’ requirements, while maintaining legal compliance.

What’s new for Issue 6?
The development of Issue 6 followed a wide consultation to understand stakeholders’ requirements. A review of emerging issues was also carried out in the packaging industry and the industries it supplies. The information has been developed and reviewed by a working group composed of international stakeholders representing different sectors of the packaging materials manufacturing industry, retailers, brand owners, food service companies, certification bodies, trade associations and independent technical experts.

Key features remain integral to the Standard, such as:
• meeting the needs of retailers and brand owners to reduce the audit burden
• better recognition of the diversity of the packaging industry and its customers’ demands
• encouraging greater transparency, traceability and product defence in the supply chain
• encouraging adoption of the Standard as a means of improving product safety at small sites and facilities where processes are still in development.

The focus for this issue has been on:
• enhancing the processes used by quality management systems in printed packaging controls through a hazard and risk analysis approach
• continuing to ensure consistency of the audit process across the world
• recognising the importance of a work place product safety and quality culture in the drive to improve transparency and coherence across the supply chain
• simplifying the hygiene requirements based solely on risk

• introducing a new fundamental clause, corrective and preventive actions, to address issues and minimise the risk of their occurring
• based on risk, putting a microbiological environmental monitoring programme in place
• simplifying the unannounced audit programme.
• Developing a new module to better control process waste including pellets, powder and flakes


BRCGS press release, Thursday 1 August 2019 (pdf)