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Life Sciences und
Facility Management

Course: Machine Learning Fundamentals in Python

Every company has data! To benefit from it, you have to know, how to work with it. On February 10 the course "Machine Learning Fundamentals in Python" will start. The course instructor Dr. Martin Rerabek explains the importance and possibilities of machine learning.

Dr. Martin Rerabek is an experienced researcher with more than 12 years of practical and academic experience in the field of machine learning using python. He works in the research group "Predictive Analytics" at the Institute for Applied Simulation.
Dr. Martin Rerabek is an experienced researcher with more than 12 years of practical and academic experience in the field of machine learning using python. He works in the research group "Predictive Analytics" at the Institute of Computational Life Sciences.

The topic of machine learning is currently on everyone's lips. Can you briefly explain what machine learning is?

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence providing applications the ability to learn from experience (i.e. from data) without being explicitly programmed. In machine learning, a learning algorithm uses training data to look for patterns, infer and generate a new set of rules formally known as a machine learning model. This model is then able to make decisions based on new input data. The aim of machine learning is to let computers learn and decide automatically without human intervention.

Can you list a few application fields of machine learning?

Nowadays, machine learning empowers applications and services used by millions of people. For example :

- recommendation systems exploited by services such as Netflix, Spotify, etc.,

- purchase recommendation systems

- search engines such as Google

- voice assistants like Siri

- automatic language translation

- stock market trading

- self-driving cars

- email spam and malware filters

What are the advantages of having machine learning and programming skills?

Data rules the world nowadays!

Many companies look for skilled programming and machine learning engineers to develop novel digital data-based solutions. Having machine learning and programming skills means having a set of skills for the future allowing you to have a secure career in technology that is on the rise. With knowledge of machine learning and decent programming skills, you can work on real challenges and develop solutions that have a deep impact on how businesses and people thrive.

Who is the course interesting for?

This course is aimed at students and/or professionals in all areas who want to start with and develop themselves in machine learning using the popular Python programming language. It is suitable for complete beginners without prior knowledge in Python and/or machine learning.

It will also suit well people with an intermediate level who want to deepen and solidify their knowledge.

What do the participants learn in your course?

In a nutshell, this course teaches participants how to apply machine learning algorithms in Python. We start with a quick Python introduction and review essential data science libraries. We learn how to manipulate data in Python, how to access it, pre-process, and visualize it. We look deeper at supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms such as regression, classification, and clustering. Last but not least, we learn how to evaluate machine learning models.

The course starts on February 10 and takes place in the evenings. Application deadline is January 27. More information and registration: Machine Learning Fundamentals in Python

Learn more about the wide range of continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Computational Life Sciences in the field of Computational Science and Artificial Intelligence: www.zhaw.ch/icls/continuingeducation