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New course: Artificial Intelligence for Managers

Our course "Artificial Intelligence for Managers - Dive into AI” starts on November 12. For this, our continuing education head Dr. Claus Horn has collaborated with AI experts, Umberto Michelucci and Dr. Stefan Bischoff. In the following interview, they explain why it is essential for the management to have AI knowledge in addition to the domain experts.

The topic of artificial intelligence is booming. What are the reasons for this?


C. Horn: AI is the new electricity! Like electricity, it provides a basic function that we can use in myriad ways to improve processes and increase their speed and performance. Of course, everybody wants that! The only thing we need for this is data, and the amount of data companies have is increasing exponentially.

Umberto Michelucci, Head of the AI Center of Excellence at Helsana

Can you briefly explain what AI is?


U. Michelucci: I like to explain AI with this simple analogy. AI tries to solve the problems that are very easy for humans but very hard for computers. For example, it is easy for humans to recognize a voice, a face, to read hand-written text and so on. On the other side, AI is not needed for problems that are very easy for computers but very hard for humans. Aggregating millions of numbers is a perfect example. Excel is enough, and surely is not AI. So any time you see a machine doing a task that would be easy for you, it is probably AI.

Dr. Stefan Bischoff, Head of Enterprise Architecture at Helsana

What are the advantages of managers having AI knowledge?


S. Bischoff: Consultants try to sell you AI as a solution of almost any problem. For a manager it is crucial to understand which kind of problems AI is able to solve and for which kind of problems you better look for different solutions. In this course we help you to demystify AI and gain understanding that is necessary to differentiate between useful application scenarios and consulting tricks. Additionally, having a little background knowledge comes quite handy when discussing with your AI specialists. When you are pitching your ideas to the management board, suitable arguments are useful to justify project funding, too.

What do participants learn in your course?

S. Bischoff: We are combining short spotlight presentations on the background and certain use cases of AI with hands-on sessions that will allow you to experience the design and build process of a small AI application yourself. There will also be enough time for peer-discussions in order collect different perspectives on your current challenges.

Can you give us some application areas of AI?

S. Bischoff: There are many different application areas for AI solutions, ranging from simple classification of unstructured data such as images, audio or video files to more complex scenarios in the area of IT security (e.g., anomaly detection in computer networks) or financial fraud detection. We will introduce various scenarios during the sessions.

How do you use AI in your organization?

U. Michelucci: AI can be used in so many ways, that is very difficult to give a brief and concise answers. Examples abound: AI can be used in mobile apps for document processing, image recognition, text recognition and much more. It is used in Fraud detection and in contract optimization. Risk modelling is a field where AI shines and is commonly used successfully. The most concise answer that can be given is that AI can be used everywhere in all processes and for all purposes.


  • On request, the course can also be organized in German.
  • The course starts on November 12. Application deadline is October 29. More information and registration: Artificial Intelligence for Managers
  • Learn more about the wide range of continuing education courses offered by the Institute of Applied Simulation in the field of computational science and artificial intelligence: www.zhaw.ch/ias/furthereducation