Das ZID an der EARLI, The Higher Education Conference!
Claude Müller und Michael Stahl werdeb ein spannendes Paper zu Learning effectiveness in a flexible learning program vorstellen.
Abstract: With flexible learning, students gain access and flexibility in regard with at least the one following criteria: time, place, pace, learning style, content, and assessment or learning path. The School of Management and Law at the ZHAW (Zürich, Switzerland) launched a new program called flexible Teaching and Learning (FLEX). The BA degree course of Banking & Finance allows student to be more flexible in time and place due to a reduced, classroom learning time which is replaced by a self-study e-learning environment that includes instructional videos. In a pilot phase of the FLEX program, we were able to conduct a semi-experimental study on the learning effectiveness of FLEX. Although the direct presence instruction time of the students was reduced by half, the students reported no significant lower final test results, and the students’ perceptions reported in the surveys and in the standardized student evaluation were positive.
Alexander Baumgartner wird ein praxisorientiertes Paper zu "Modeling practice-oriented competence grids as a basis for continuous development of study programs" vorstellen.
Abstract: This research project to model competence grids (a matrix in which competence-oriented study program goals at different levels are defined) focuses on what students are able to accomplish at the end of their studies. In collaboration with several internal (Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, heads of study programs) and external (employers, graduates) partners, a specific and practice-oriented goal structure is derived for n = 5 bachelor study programs and n = 5 master study programs in the domain of management, which is related to typical work situations of gradu-ates. The development of competence grids also forms the basis for a differentiated measuring of competences (professional, methodical, social and self) of students, which may lead to continual improvement of study programs. With an appropriate ICT-based feedback system (myCompe-tence), teachers and students receive central information to focus and develop their teaching and learning activities.