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Merged competencies: GEKONT and CYPHER

A centre and a network are bringing together experts for technologies in the healthcare sector and child and youth public health specialists.

GEKONT: competence centre for Technologies in Healthcare  

Technology is becoming more and more relevant in healthcare. Possible uses include social robots, rehabilitation technologies (e.g. exoskeletons), devices that support communication as well as expert systems which facilitate diagnostics. GEKONT connects suppliers and users of healthcare technologies to work on specific questions together while pooling competencies across the ZHAW’s various Schools in one centre.  

CYPHER: competence network for Child and Youth Public Health Research

Current societal developments are having an effect on the health of young people. Policymakers are therefore more and more dependent on expert knowledge about the health of children, teenagers and young adults. The Child and Youth Public Health Research competence network (CYPHER) wants to meet this need. CYPHER is a cross-School network of ZHAW researchers working in this field. By promoting interdisciplinary public health practice and research projects, the network aims to strengthen child and youth public health and connect researchers, practitioners and policymakers within and beyond the ZHAW.