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Non-Career Diplomats – Underestimated Actors in Foreign Policy?

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the CAS Foreign Affairs & Applied Diplomacy, the Center for Global Competitiveness of the ZHAW School of Management and Law organizes an event.

The ZHAW School of Management and Law has been offering the CAS in Foreign Affairs & Applied Diplomacy for 10 years. In 2024, we will therefore be celebrating this anniversary with an event on the role of non-career diplomats: What significance do these people have in foreign policy today? We will discuss this question in two stages: First in the Swiss context, with an alumna of CAS Foreign Affairs & Applied Diplomacy, as well as a cantonal representative. We will then look at the question of the role of non-career diplomats in an international context. Here, diplomats will contribute their experiences in the context of the EU, the Netherlands and the UK. The question of the skills and training required for a career in the international arena will also be discussed.

The event will be moderated by CAS program director Prof. Dr. Florian Keller and Dominique Ursprung, who is responsible for the two continuing education courses on Diplomacy in the Digital Age and Diplomacy & Information Security.


Start date: 21 March 2024, 04.00 pm




ZHAW International Management Institute, Center for Global Competitiveness (CGC)
Theaterstrasse 17
8401 Winterthur