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Service Customisation: The customer journey in the digital transformation

The digital transformation and new data-driven approaches enable customised services. This can increase both value creation for the customer and value capture for the provider.

As part of the DIZH Exchange Days, Jürg Meierhofer from the Institute of Data Analysis and Process Design (IDP) at the ZHAW School of Engineering will present a novel quantitative model for optimizing the design of the provider-customer interaction.

The DIZH Exchange Days are organised by the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH) an take place regularly. They enable the exchange of people at the DIZH partner universities (ZHAW, UZH, PHZH, ZHdK) and other interested parties. On each of the dates, a researcher presents his/her current project to an interdisciplinary audience. You are cordially invited to join us during lunch time and find out more about the digitalisation projects at the ZHAW and other Zurich universities.

More information can be found on the DIZH website.

Please send an Email to Sabine Dani to receive the access link (Zoom).


Start date: 20 April 2021, 12.00 pm