Promotion of young talent
Substantial numbers of specialists will be needed to meet the challenges we will face in the future. At present, however, such talent is in short supply, particularly in technical disciplines. That is why the ZHAW School of Engineering has developed a number of programmes to encourage young talent by awakening future students’ interest in technical and scientific disciplines while they are still at school.
MINT-Club (6-19 years)
Interested children and adolescents receive regular information about events and workshops in the fields of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology at the ZHAW School of Engineering. In addition, there are special tours and offers for members at our university.
Technology Night (age 6 and up)
Every year, the ZHAW School of Engineering opens its doors to a public interested in technology. Along with an interactive exhibition and laboratory tours, a special area is set up for children. Here, they can investigate various phenomena, perform experiments of their own, do handicraft work and build things.
tunZurich (7-13 years)
The ZHAW School of Engineering is present at the Zurich Adventure Show for Technology and Natural Sciences, which is primarily intended for school classes and families. It offers a platform which brings children closer to the world of technology and natural science. This is the place for building, soldering, and trying out new things!
Children's University of Winterthur (9-12 years)
The Children's University of Winterthur starts every year in October and runs until February. In a series of Wednesday afternoon lectures, the children learn all kinds of interesting things about natural phenomena and technology. It is a joint effort between the Winterthur Society of Natural Science (NGE) and the Winterthur Natural History Museum, the Robert Sulzer Forrer Foundation, and the ZHAW School of Engineering.
More information on the Children's University of Winterthur Homepage
National Future Day (age 10 and up)
During the annual Future Day, children, grandchildren and sponsored children of ZHAW employees have the opportunity to accompany their relatives to their workplaces. An attractive program offers the children an insight into the various departments of the university.
In addition, the ZHAW School of Engineering offers under the heading "Mädchen-Technik-Los!" and "Girls-Computer Science-Los!" Special programs open to all girls.
“The Fascination of Technology”, holiday fun for 11-14 year-olds
This three-day programme, which takes place during the summer holidays, enables young people to use experiments to learn how technology works, to develop ideas of their own and to put them into practice. They attend workshops which provide them with insights into aviation, information technology and mechanical and electrical engineering. These workshops also enable them to try out their own ideas and to carry out construction and programming tasks under supervision.
Ready, set, go with technology! (age 12 and up)
«Ready, set, go with technology» wants to create enthusiasm for science and technology among young people and provide an insight into the prospects for technical occupations. The travelling exhibition, which the ZHAW School of Engineering also takes part in, is underway in Northwest Switzerland and the Canton of Zurich with an attractive and interactive programme for schools.
Electronics4you (age 12 and up)
«Electronics4you» shows young people the world of electronics. The use of concrete projects is intended to spark interest and enjoyment in technology and its applications. The job prospects for electricians are also demonstrated.