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Valorisation of Open Educational Resources developed during Scopes Institutional Partnership

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The current crisis, war in Ukraine affects in particular universities in the Eastern region. Some had to leave their university buildings, can not teach face-to-face anymore and consequently are forced to switch to distance learning. However, often competencies and experiences in that area are lacking. Within the SNF IP "Institutional Partnership: Implementing state-of-the-art didactics/ methods and research tools in academic teaching" an open educational resources (OER) available in English/ Ukrainian/ Russian, E-tutor (, was developed to be used for qualifying staff in conducting teaching online. Furthermore, a manual, available in Russian language, for using free cloud based tools for educational purposes was developed and made available online. The main aim of the valorisation measure is to disseminate the two resources, support dispelled universities to use it and integrate in their staff development schemes in order to assist mitigating the problems mentioned. Furthermore small workshops shall be conducted in Caucasus region and Russia to disseminate the results of the project at universities that have confirmed strong interest in the results.

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