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High-throughput screening, synthesis and characterisation of active materials for flow batteries (PREDICTOR)

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PREDICTOR is a research and doctoral training project funded by the European Union’s Marie-Sklodowska-Curie programme. PREDICTOR aims to develop a fast, high-throughput method for material development for electrochemical energy storage. This includes modeling and simulation software for the computational screening of organic chemicals based on their potential performance in energy storage systems. Automated systems for chemical synthesis, electrolyte production and characterization will be used to produce the chemicals identified in the screening and test their suitability for energy storage. The process parameters are improved with the help of an optimization process based on artificial intelligence. New standards are also being developed for the management, storage and automated processing of the resulting data. In order to validate the newly developed materials, three redox flow battery cells are being built as part of the project.

The PREDICTOR project brings together a total of over 20 project partners, who will supervise 15 doctoral students. The ZHAW will supervise two of these doctoral students and support the project with its expertise in the modeling and simulation of redox flow batteries.

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