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  • Info Event CAS Corporate Responsibility

    The head of program will inform you about the CAS Corporate Responsibility. You can ask your questions and exchange ideas.

  • Info Event CAS Corporate Responsibility

    The head of program will inform you about the CAS Corporate Responsibility. You can ask your questions and exchange ideas.

  • Info Event CAS Corporate Responsibility

    The head of program will inform you about the CAS Corporate Responsibility. You can ask your questions and exchange ideas.

  • Info Event CAS Corporate Responsibility

    The head of program will inform you about the CAS Corporate Responsibility. You can ask your questions and exchange ideas.

  • Info Event CAS Corporate Responsibility

    The head of program will inform you about the CAS Corporate Responsibility. You can ask your questions and exchange ideas.


Media Presence

ZHAW Impact

New study program: Circular economy in all its facets

To become climate-neutral, completely new, holistic business models are needed. However, companies still lack the appropriate specialists. This is precisely where the new interdisciplinary ZHAW Master's Program in Circular Economy Management, led by Prof. Dr. Christian Vögtlin, comes in.

Read the full article here(PDF 164,9 KB(PDF 164,9 KB)) (German)


The subtle differences

CSR and ESG are important and complementary concepts of the broad topic of sustainability.

Read the entire article(PDF 280,8 KB) (German)


Risks and consequences

In 2023, companies will be faced with new tasks in the context of sustainability. They will have to report on risks and side effects in greater detail.

Read the entire article (German)


Down to the Cotton Thread

Fulltex shows how workwear can be manufactured according to CSR principles. Supply chains are an important topic. A portrait of Marco Meier, alumnus of CAS Corporate Responsibility.

Read the entire article(PDF 402,8 KB) (in German)


The Municipality of Thalwil Is Part of a Study on The Energy Transition

How does Thalwil manage to get away from fossil fuels? The EU wants to know that too. The community is therefore part of the European research project “RRI Leaders: Leveraging Leadership For Responsible Research and Innovation in Territories”. Dr. Fridolin Brand, who heads the project at the Center for Corporate Responsibility, explains in an interview with the Tages-Anzeiger why Thalwil was chosen for the study.

Read the entire article(PDF 597,5 KB) (in German)