Courses offered
All the modules offered in the bachelor’s and master’s degree courses are open to visiting students. Students who complete a work placement in Switzerland can visit the supporting supervisors at the ZHAW School of Social Work.
Modules offered
Visiting students can choose any of the modules offered in the bachelor’s and master’s degree courses. The module descriptions include details about the course content and credits for the composition of the learning agreement with the home university. Internationality and interculturality are important parts of the curriculum for the bachelor’s degree course in social work. Alongside the specialisation module «Migration, integration, diversity», elective seminars on current international topics are offered every semester. One of the modules in the master’s degree course is called «Welfare policy from an international perspective». Four different areas of specialisation provide options to choose from.
Supervision of work placements
Students from abroad can complete a work placement in Switzerland and visit the supporting supervisors at the ZHAW School of Social Work. The International Office will provide you with advice and support.
German skills
Most courses are held in German. Visiting students must have sufficient language skills to follow the classes and to actively participate in group discussions. Therefore, German skills at level B2 are required. A German course at ZHAW can be attended while studying.
Semester dates
The academic year is divided into two semesters, with degree programmes beginning twice yearly in calendar weeks 8 (spring semester) and 38 (autumn semester) respectively.