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School of Social Work

Working at ZHAW

Are you interested in an exchange with teachers, researchers or staff at ZHAW? The ZHAW School of Social Work has a network of partner tertiary institutions all around the world and organises various activities to enhance its staff’s international and intercultural skills.

Gastdozentin Maria Luisa Gomez

«Developing professional skills with a practical and social touch» would be my short description of ZHAW. But of course it is more than that – ZHAW offers a wide range of activities, seminars and resources to enjoy, but most importantly a vibrant academic community to join.

Maria Luisa Gomez Jimenez,  PhD, Associate Professor Universidad de Málaga, Guest lecturer at the ZHAW School of Social Work (july/august 2016)


The establishment of this network with FH Campus Wien and the Munich University of Applied Sciences provides a comprehensive framework for further collaboration and the implementation of mutually defined, strategically oriented projects. This cooperation encompasses various programmes and projects, such as exchanges in teaching, research, continuing education and administration.


Between 2013 and 2016, there is a particular focus on cooperation with swissnex countries. Stays in India and the USA for ZHAW staff are specifically facilitated. Stays at ZHAW for researchers or teachers from swissnex countries are also supported.


As part of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP), the ZHAW School of Social Work supports the possibilities of staff training and teaching assignments for staff from partner universities and institutions.

Nomination and application
Those interested should contact their home university’s International Office to obtain information about the possibilities of staff mobility. In order to be able apply to ZHAW for an exchange, they must be nominated by their home university. Upon receiving the nomination, we contact the applicant and develop a work or teaching programme, based on individual interests.

Possible fields of work
Participants in the staff mobility programme can, for example, be incorporated into the bachelor’s and master’s degree courses, collaborate on research projects, or obtain insight into the university’s administrative processes.