Oya Atalay Franck is the new President of the EAAE European Association for Architectural Education
On the 1st of September 2017, celebrating the 40th anniversary of EAAE European Association for Architectural Education, the general assembly has elected Oya Atalay Franck as new president of the association. Oya Atalay Franck is a professor of architecture and the director of ZHAW School of Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering in Winterthur, Switzerland. She is the first woman elected president of EAAE.

The EAAE is, alongside its sister organization ACSA in the United States, the most important association of educational institutions for architecture and urban development. 140 schools from all over Europe are members. The mission of the Association is to build a network of European schools of architecture, fostering discussions, exchanges and a common policy in Europe to advance the quality of architectural education. Atalay Franck will take over the office for a period of three years. She is the co-author of the EAAE Research Charter 2012 and a founding member and co-leader of EAAE Education Academy.
Oya Atalay Franck is an architect, architectural historian and academic. She studied architecture at Middle East Technical University METU in Ankara and at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute RPI in Troy, NY, USA. She received her PhD from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH in Zurich. She acts as an expert in various scientific bodies, such as the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) and The Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), as well as in peer review committees and in quality audits.