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Writing - Publishing

Whether you are working on a semester paper, project report, Bachelor thesis or specialist article, the ZHAW University Library will assist you with the writing and publishing process by supplying information and providing advice on suitable tools.

Reference management

Managing references, adding citations automatically and creating bibliographies – reference management software makes writing academic papers easier. You can, for example:

  • Create your own collection of references
  • Take over references from numerous search portals, databases and publisher's websites
  • Include references as citations in a text
  • Create bibliographies


The ZHAW University Library supports you in the use of Zotero. With Zotero you can save, organise and cite references from any type of source. You also have the possibility to work together in private or public groups.

Zotero is available free of charge and can be downloaded from the Zotero website. For ZHAW staff, Zotero is available via the Software Center. Please find helpful video tutorials on "Zotero Basics" and more on "Installing Zotero" on our "Reference management with Zotero" channel.

To work in groups and synchronise your library, you need to register at Zotero. Zotero offers 300 MB free file storage. As a ZHAW staff member, you have unlimited file storage when you register with your ZHAW email address.

Further reference management systems

The University Library recommends working with Zotero. The following links will inform you about other reference management systems.

Citing correctly

Whether you are working on a semester paper, writing your thesis or writing up an experiment, citing sources correctly is essential in the academic world. This is because new knowledge is always based on existing, verified knowledge, and stating this allows you to demonstrate the foundation for your findings. This is simply good scientific practice; failing to cite sources is regarded as plagiarism. For further information, please consult the ZHAW fact sheet on avoiding plagiarism(PDF 187,3 KB).

Citing sources at the ZHAW

The ZHAW Schools have specific citation requirements with regard to citation practice in thesis writing and refer to different citation styles. An overview of the requirements can be found in the Self-Service Portal under "Citation guidelines at the ZHAW" (KI 3274, ZHAW login required).

Academic Writer

The ZHAW offers access to Academic Writer, an online portal that helps you write and publish according to the APA standard.

Academic Writer
Important: Academic Writer is not compatible with Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge; therefore, it is suggested to use another browser to avoid any issues.

Writing Coaching

  • Do you have questions about writing seminar papers, project work or Bachelor’s theses?
  • Would you like feedback on your texts?
  • Would you finally like to know how to correctly cite sources or how to structure a text?
  • Or do you simply need a few helpful tips about writing?

Take advantage of our writing service and receive advice from writing experts. This free service from the ZHAW University Library Winterthur and the School of Applied Linguistics makes it easy to learn how to write for your studies.

Counselling at the ZHAW University Library Winterthur

Writing Night 2025

Once again, it's time to get to work instead of procrastinating!

The 8th ZHAW Writing Night (in German) will take place on Tuesday, 4 March 2025, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at all the locations Winterthur and Zurich of the ZHAW University Library and virtually. 

You can expect individual research and writing coaching sessions, a Zotero help desk for your questions about the literature management programme, as well as many short inputs on creating and writing a thesis. The detailed programme (in German) is available.

The ZHAW Writing Night is offered annually by the University Library in cooperation with the ILC Institute of Language Competence. We, the organisers, are already looking forward to a large participation!

Blog posts about past events (in German):

Publishing results

Choosing the right means of publication depends on a wide variety of factors, such as if the thematic focus fits the planned publication. A publisher's reputation and/or a journal's circulation is also a factor. With journals, indexing in the relevant specialist databases can be an important point.

Other criteria include publication costs, publication speed and author-friendliness. The website of the publication chosen should provide information for authors in a transparent manner, for example on editorial policies as well as the review process and its duration.

In the scientific competition, the publication output of the university is important. For the correct allocation of publications to the ZHAW, providing consistent and full affiliation information for publications by university members is essential. The following fact sheet outlines the correct affiliation information for the ZHAW, individual departments and institutes in scientific and non-scientific publications.

Open Access

If you are aiming for the widest possible distribution of your publications, it is best to opt for an Open Access publication. Open access ensures free access to scientific results and contributes to more visibility of research and better subsequent reuse by science and society.

The University Library supports ZHAW employees in the free publication of research results by promoting various Open Access models.

Untrustworthy publishers

Untrustworthy journals and publishers are appearing more and more often on the publication market. They publish manuscripts without any quality control and do not provide the level of service expected of a publisher. Please find an informative video on the subject of fake journals, predatory conferences and dubious publishers from the University Library in Graz (2021), as well as our helpful blog post listed below.