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Ethics, values and data protection

As one of Switzerland’s leading universities of applied sciences, the ZHAW is well aware of its responsibility in the areas of teaching, research, continuing education and business services. We work transparently and openly and are guided by international, national and cantonal guidelines and principles.

Human research

In Switzerland, the Federal Act on Research involving Human Beings (Human Research Act, HRA) and the ordinances derived from it (Ordinance on Clinical Trials with Medical Devices,Human Research Ordinance) govern research conducted on or with humans as well as research performed with human biological material and health-related personal data. They also define the need for authorisation to be granted for such projects. Projects requiring authorisation include clinical studies (e.g. effects of drugs) as well as non-clinical projects (research participants or biological material or personal data as the object of investigation). In the case of projects that are conducted or coordinated in the canton of Zurich, the Cantonal Ethics Commission of Zurich (KEK) is responsible for the specific clarifications and the authorisation procedure. At the ZHAW, the ZHAW Ethics Committee also assists researchers in understanding relevant legislation and classifying projects (ethical assessment by the ZHAW).

ContactDr Martin Jaekel, Head of the Research and Development / Business Services Unit


Research with animals

Experiments with live animals are of great importance for advancing knowledge in life, nutritional and natural sciences, in the field of medical technology and for educational purposes in the realm of teaching. In Switzerland, the Animal Welfare Act (AniWa) protects the welfare and dignity of animals and forms the framework for the key principles of medical research involving animals of swissuniversities. With the TEDD Competence Centre (Tissue Engineering for Drug Development and Substance Testing) and as a founding and advisory member of the Swiss 3R Competence Centre, the ZHAW is actively committed to the application of the 3R principle (replace, reduce, refine). Its policy on research and teaching involving animals sees the ZHAW undertake to act in a respectful, professional and responsible manner with respect to its treatment of animals kept for farming purposes and in the wild. The ZHAW is also a signatory to the Swiss Transparency Agreement on Animal Research (STAAR) and is thus committed to improving communication and transparency with respect to the use of animals for research purposes.

ContactDr Martin Jaekel, Head of the Research & Development / Business Services Unit


Ethical assessment by the ZHAW

The aforementioned official bodies, including the Cantonal Ethics Commission of Zurich, are in place for the ethical assessment and authorisation of research projects (e.g. clinical trials). Apart from the granting of legally required authorisation by an external ethics body, an assessment may also be necessary or at least useful in other cases (e.g. if the research project is not subject to the requirement of having to gain official authorisation, but nevertheless touches on ethically sensitive issues). In some cases, an ethical assessment is also required for publication in scientific journals or for applications made to the Swiss National Science Foundation. This task has been performed by the ZHAW Ethics Committee since autumn 2022: it considers itself an independent body that examines whether the protection offered to trial participants in a study is proportionate in terms of the benefits and potential harm. It is a service for research staff at the ZHAW and assumes responsibility in instances in which research projects are not required by law to be subjected to a review by an external ethics body but which nevertheless raise ethical questions.


Academic integrity

ZHAW employees, students and continuing educations participants, whether in their own name or the name of the ZHAW, are subject to the basic principles of the Code of conduct for scientific integrity of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences when generating, distributing or promoting knowledge.

The university has issued Regulations on Academic Integrity at the ZHAW. Academic integrity is also promoted at the ZHAW by the prevention and advisory body, which comprises members from all of the Schools.

In the event of suspicion of academic misconduct, the ZHAW has defined appropriate procedural measures and bodies based on the recommendations of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.

ContactProf. Katharina Fierz, Chair of the prevention and advisory body


Biodiversity/access to genetic resources and equitable benefit sharing

The international Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) of 1993 stipulates that states have sovereign rights over their own genetic resources (animals, plants, algae, fungi, bacteria, viruses). The Nagoya Protocol, which was ratified in 2014, governs access to genetic resources, their transfer and how the benefits derived from their use (research on genetic and/or biochemical compositions, including the use of biotechnology) are to be shared with the countries of origin. Researchers at the ZHAW are subject to the Nagoya Ordinance, which was adopted in 2015 and governs the handling of both domestic and foreign genetic resources.

ContactCathy Kroll, Head of the Research Unit, School of Life Sciences and Facility Management


Data protection in research

In our research projects, we process personal data in accordance with the provisions of the law on Information and Data Protection (IDG) of the Canton of Zurich (IDG) (in German), the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to the extent that each of the respective regulations are applicable.

The ZHAW has appointed a Data Protection Officer to ensure compliance with the relevant data protection requirements. They provide ZHAW researchers with support and advice in connection with all issues related to data protection.