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Business and Advisory Services

Dr. Martin Jaekel

“The ZHAW offers a comprehensive portfolio of business and advisory services that is based on the academic expertise of our eight Schools as well as on the experience of our staff. I would be happy to help you identify and arrange the right expertise for you.”

Dr. Martin Jaekel, Head of R&D and Business Services Unit Office

A as in augmented reality applications, B as in biodiversity or C as in corporate publishing: the ZHAW’s portfolio of business and advisory services is broad in scope yet highly specialised. Thanks to our eight Schools, each of which has a different thematic focus, you will always find the right service for you, be it for analysis, measurement, consulting or modelling.

We are committed to providing you with professional and highly skilled support, not only with respect to our services in the areas of academic programmes, continuing education and research, but also with our business services. We use the latest methods and insights, no matter what the service or offer. We offer our services at competitive market rates.

Business and advisory Services at ZHAW

Type of service For you as
Analyses, simulations, measurements Company, public sector
Feasibility studies, expert reports, evaluations Company, public sector, non-profit organisation
Consulting and coaching services Private individual, company, public sector, non-profit organisation
Courses and workshops Private individual, company, public sector, non-profit organisation

Our contact points

Do you have any questions about our business and advisory services? Dr. Martin Jaekel would be happy to help you.

Would you like to discover the services of the individual Schools? If so, you can find links that will take you directly to the relevant pages below: