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We invite researchers and practitioners from the field of Data Science experts to present and discuss topics relevant to the scope of the Datalab.

Events 2025


Speaker Title Slides

Do, 9.1.

Marc Weibel & David Jaggi Online Bertopic to identify ESG Trends
& Detecting Climate Controversies in Financial News

Past Events (2024)


Speaker Title Slides

Do, 28.11.

Fitim Abdullahu Commonly Interesting Images

Do, 19.9.

Fabian Kostadinov (acrea) Building a production-grade RAG-based chatbot

Past Events (2023)


Speaker Title Slides

Wed, 27.6.

Dr. Chetan S. Kulkarni (NASA) Model Based Approaches for Fault Detection, Prognostics, Decision Making in Complex Systems

Wed, 07.06.

  Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger (ZHAW) Quantum Machine Learning – The Next Big Thing?

Wed, 24.05.

  Dr. Cristiano Malossi (IBM Research) The Future of Visual Inspection for Civil Infrastructure

Wed, 10.05.

  Prof. Dr. Jan Dirk Wegner (UZH) Large-scale analysis of geospatial data with machine learning

Wed, 26.04.

  Marcel Griesinger (ZHAW SML) Das neue Datenschutzrecht und seine Umsetzung in der Praxis, u.a. im Bereich KI

Wed, 12.04.

Prof. Dr. Carolina Ruiz (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA) Predictive Deep Learning and Interpretation of Learned Representations for Human Sleep Modeling

Tue, 11.04.

Dr Lilach Goren Huber (ZHAW IDP) Fault diagnostics in grid-scale solar plants: A playground for Physics-Informed machine learning

Wed, 01.03.

Prof. Dr. Thomas Martinetz (Univ. Luebeck, D) Large deep neural networks do learn with small data sets

Past Events (2022)


Speaker Title Slides

Wed, 23.11.

Prof. Dr. Benjamin Grewe (ETHZ/UZH) Why auto-encoding is not enough

Wed, 13.7.

Prof. Dr. Markus Melloh
(Victoria U of Wellington)
Work or study in New Zealand – Opportunities for ZHAW Data Scientists at Victoria University of Wellington PDF(PDF 10,6 MB)

Wed, 6.7.

Dr. Simon Bruderer
(Bruker BioSpin)
Deep learning for processing of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data

Wed, 1.6.

Several 2nd International INODE EOSC Workshop

Wed, 2.3.

Sebastian Welter (IKEA) Scaling AI in Enterprises PDF(PDF 867,2 KB)

Wed, 16.2.

Prof. Dr. Volker Dellwo (UZH) Can speakers make themselves more recognisable?: Voice dynamics and its influence on voice recognition PDF(PDF 13,5 MB)

Wed 02.02.

Helmut Grabner (ZHAW) All Images are Equal but Some Images are More Equal than Others

Past Events (2021)


Speaker Title Slides

Wed, 17.11.

Prof. Dr. Christoph von der Malsburg How can kids learn so much faster than transformers? Recording PDF(PDF 2,0 MB)

Wed, 8.9.

Prof. Nicolaj Stache (HS Heilbronn) From Simulation to Reality using Reinforcement Learning PDF

Wed, 25.8.

Prof. Macro Gori (U Siena) Learning to See by Motion Invariance PDF

Wed, 23.6.

Lukas Tuggener (ZHAW CAI) Is it Enough to Optimize CNN Architectures on ImageNet? PDF

Past Events (2020)


Speaker Title Slides

Wed 02.12.

Pia Viviani
Citizen Science: What is it exactly and what are the challenges? PDF(PDF 3,4 MB)

Wed 21.10.

Daniel Neururer
On the Importance of time dependent features for Speaker Recognition PDF(PDF 10,1 MB)

Wed 09.09.

Raphael Weber, Mehmet Yesil, Prof. Dr. Ruedi Füchslin and Prof. Dr. Kurt Stockinger
Quantum Databases and Quantum Machine Learning – How Far Can We Go on a Publicly Available Quantum Computer? PDF(PDF 11,9 MB)

Wed 08.04.

Dr. Ricardo Chavarriaga
Presentation of the CLAIRE Office Switzerland PDF(PDF 8,9 MB)

Wed, 11.03.

Nicolas Schmid
Data-Driven Adaptive Controller Parameterisation: A Bayesian Optimization Approach PDF(PDF 4,5 MB)

Thu, 05.03.

Prof. Philipp Hungerländer
(Univ. Klagenfurt)
Propagation of vibroacoustic quality specifications in the automotive industry PDF(PDF 3,1 MB)

Wed, 26.02.

Ursin Brunner and Prof. Kurt Stockinger
Entity Matching with Transformer Architectures - A Step Forward in Data Integration Prezi

Wed, 29.01.

Prof. Kerrie Mengersen
(Queensland University of Technology QUT)
Bayesian Statistics in the Big Data Era  

Past Events (2019)


Speaker Title Slides

Wed, 18.12.

Prof. Dr. Luca Maria Gambardella
(Director of IDSIA, USI-SUPSI, Lugano)
Innovation through Artificial Intelligence PDF(PDF 4,3 MB)

Fri, 15.11.

PD Dr. Friedhelm Schwenker
(University of Ulm)
Artificial deep neural networks for multimodal emotion recognition PDF(PDF 17,3 MB)

Thu, 12.09.

Dr. Siavash Arjomand Bigdeli
Deep Density Approximation for Bayesian Image Restoration  

Fri, 09.08.

Prof. Haiwang Cao
(Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics, China)
AI application in safety support for civil airports  

Mon, 15.07.

Prof. Dr. Mark Sanderson
(RMIT University, Melbourne)
Conferences vs. journals in computer science  

Mon, 20.05.

Dr. Vasileios Trigonakis
(Oracle Labs Switzerland)
Introduction to Graph Processing (with PGX)