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Transformative Education Fund

The Transformative Education Fund (TEF) brings together interdisciplinary staff who work on a common topic at the intersection of education and digital transformation. The fund emerged from the DFF (Digital Futures Fund) and was developed by ZHAW digital together with the Department of Education. In addition to supporting digital transformation at ZHAW, the TEF also aims to promote networking and collaboration in the field of education across departments.

TEF projects broadly examine digital transformation and the introduction of new technologies in ZHAW education, but also develop specific tools and methods that support and promote lecturers and students. The respective results and findings are disseminated as widely as possible to ensure the sustainable use and further development of these tools and processes. Unlike well-known funding instruments, the TEF is not competitive but brings individual initiatives together for a common benefit. This not only advances digital transformation but also strengthens the ZHAW as an institution that breaks new ground with innovative funding instruments.

2025 Projects

Empowering Education

“Empowering Education” investigates how artificial intelligence (AI) can improve teaching and learning processes at the ZHAW. It is developing a central database for AI resources, including tutorials and application examples. In addition, a virtual teaching assistant will automate teaching materials and support students around the clock. The aim is to introduce teachers with no prior knowledge of AI to AI programs, to reduce the workload of teachers and to promote a critical examination of the limits of AI. 


Coaching learning processes: Tools & Community

The rise of AI brings students' learning processes more into focus. They should learn to critically reflect on their path and achieve their goals independently. The project develops resources and tools for learning support. These include a toolbox with practical methods and techniques, a community of practice for exchange and joint further development and an AI coaching buddy for individual support.



“MentorMate” is an AI-supported learning assistant that supports students and teachers in the learning process. Lecturers can use “MentorMate” to create learning assistants (chatbots) to provide students with a virtual subject matter expert who is available around the clock and tailored to their personal needs. This enables individual learning and supports interactive teaching methods. In addition, an integrated learning analytics feature provides valuable insights into students' learning success in order to adapt teaching accordingly



“GRADE-ASSIST” is developing an AI-supported prototype to simplify the assessment of written performance assessments at the ZHAW in order to reduce the time required and increase the quality of assessment. The prototype enables high-quality corrections, but does not take over the assessment decision. It can be applied to different types of LNW and takes data protection and the legal framework into account. The prototype will be tested by people with different digital skills and will ultimately be widely used by teachers.


Learning success in hybrid settings

“Learning success in hybrid settings” creates didactic designs in three phases, pilots them and adapts them in line with department-specific requirements. The aim is to sustainably improve the quality of teaching at the ZHAW and to increase the attractiveness and flexibility of the degree programs.The results are summarized in a report, passed on and further developed in the long term through workshops and coaching sessions


Extended Reality

“Extended Reality (XR) is used for teaching and continuing education at the ZHAW. The project develops and evaluates XR use cases and creates guidelines to simplify the application of the tools. In addition, the necessary infrastructure for sustainable use is being established. The aim is to embed XR as an integral part of teaching, promote digital transformation and support inclusive learning. The results are available through experience spaces, short videos and communication channels in order to anchor XR at the ZHAW in the long term.


Written Assignments: Formative guidance and generative AI

“Written Assignments: Formative guidance and generative AI” examines the use of generative AI in the context of formative guidance of written assignments at the ZHAW. Students and lecturers are introduced to the reflective use of AI technologies in real learning settings and an understanding of the potentials and challenges is promoted. Through the development of didactic principles and their experimental exploration, practical recommendations for the use of AI will be provided after the evaluation. The results will be disseminated as open educational resources (OER) in order to strengthen the ZHAW as an innovative university.


All pictures by @alexander_ant on unsplash