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Sustainable Development Committee

The Sustainable Development Committee (SDC) is the ZHAW’s sustainability body. It is made up of university leaders, subject-matter specialists and students from all Schools and areas of the ZHAW. It follows an approach that strives for transparency, inclusion and participation for sustainable development at the ZHAW.

Tasks of the SDC

The SDC’s task is to address sustainable development issues at the ZHAW proactively and in collaboration with members of all Schools, the President’s Office, Finance & Services and students, and to support ZHAW sustainable in implementing the ZHAW’s sustainability strategy.

Under the leadership of Urs Hilber as Head of Sustainable Development, the SDC monitors and anticipates national and international developments and strengthens the exchange of information both internally and externally. The SDC meets four times a year for a half-day and once for a one-day closed meeting (meeting calendar on the Intranet). Topics relating to sustainable development at the ZHAW are dealt with directly in an inclusive, proactive and collegial manner before they are brought to the attention of the University Management Board. To this end, working groups are also set up outside of the Sustainability Committee to deal with specific topics such as the Green Impact Book or the Curricular Integration of sustainable development.

Members of the SDC

The Sustainability Committee is composed of the following representatives:


Gita Nag, student at Departement Life Sciences and Facility Management

Working groups

In the orbit of the SDC, specially established working groups deal with the further development of significant topics. For example, there are already working groups that deal with the Green Impact Book or the Curricular Integration of sustainable development.

Green Impact Book Working Group

In order to further develop the Green Impact Book and validate the effectiveness of its basic measures, ZHAW sustainable has set up a working group of ZHAW sustainability experts in consultation with the Sustainable Development Committee.

The working group will develop further key figures for monitoring the GIB targets, work out possible emission reduction paths and draw up a Net-Zero Action Plan to be discussed with all Schools, the President’s Office and Finance & Services.

Curricular Integration Working Group

To advance the integration of sustainable development in teaching, ZHAW sustainable has set up a working group in consultation with the Sustainable Development Committee.

Members of the Curricular Integration Working Group

Ylena Fuchsberger, Wibke Weber, Irene Arnold, Tetiana Kaufmann, Barbara Schmugge, Christian Wassmer, Alessandro Maranta, Francesco Bortoluzzi, Nico Frommherz, Heidi Bruderer Enzler, Franz Baumgartner, Alexandra Grammenou, Students Till-Baptiste Römmelt and Maura Hochstrasser


The task of the working group is to develop a cross-university approach to strengthen the anchoring of sustainable development in teaching, whether in existing modules or in new ones to be created. A sustainability certificate, summer schools and the possibility of attending courses from different ZHAW Schools are also being considered.