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Digital Futures Fund

With the Digital Futures Fund for Research & Development (DFF for R&D) ZHAW digital supports research and development projects that respond to immediate challenges in the field of digital transformation with rapidly realizable measures. By digital transformation, we understand the far-reaching influence of digitalization on individuals, our university, and society. The DFF for R&D is a low-threshold funding programme for ZHAW researchers. All project leaders are automatically accepted into the digital community “Digital Futures Lab”. This enables them to network and exchange ideas on specific topics with the community members.

Overview DFF projects 2nd round 2024(PDF 262,9 KB)


More information on project submission and the current call

The projects must meet the core criteria 1 and 2 and at least one of criteria 3 or 4:

  • (1) Relation to digital transformation: Projects address topics of digital transformation.
  • (2) Quality of implementation: The approach is methodologically considered, making it understandable for a broad audience. Budget and timeframe are realistically estimated.
  • (3) Innovation: The project leads to results with a disruptive and forward-looking character and pursues new approaches.
  • (4) Impact: The overarching benefit of the project results for one or more of the following target groups is evident:
    a) scientific community
    b) ZHAW as an entire institution
    c) society

Call 2025 (1/2)(PDF 236,6 KB)