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Topics and Projects

The ZHAW covers a wide range of research topics and specialises in interdisciplinary issues, which are worked on by researchers from our eight Schools in coordinated project teams.

Digital transformation of research and business

The ZHAW is one of four partner universities looking to strengthen Zurich as a hub for research and business as part of the Digitalization Initiative of the Zurich Higher Education Institutions (DIZH). The four universities network systematically within the DIZH with the objective of driving forward research and innovation in the field of digitalisation in a targeted manner by applying interdisciplinary approaches. As part of the innovation programme and the research cluster, specific collaborations between researchers from the four universities and both local and regional industry partners are supported. Within the university itself, the ZHAW digital initiative coordinates and supports the digital transformation of education and research and assumes the role of the ZHAW’s link to the DIZH.

Global commitment of the ZHAW as Leading House South Asia