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University Library

The ZHAW University Library has a large holding of media and study resources. We are pleased to offer help and advice whenever you need to know how to search for or obtain any item. Come and visit us at our locations in Winterthur, Zurich or Wädenswil.

Searching for media


Use ZHAW swisscovery as single point of entry to search all ZHAW University Library holdings. To search in databases or electronic reference works, use the two links below the search box.

The right medium is not in swisscovery? Make us an acquisition suggestion.


Library Guide

The library guide gives you a quick overview of the services offered by the university library.

Beyond Pssst!

So you think libraries are dusty and totally outdated? - Well then, watch this!
A film about the ZHAW University Library and what it has to offer.

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