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Whether you want to use electronic media, need a print publication or are looking for the latest scientific findings in your field, our search systems are here to help.

Searching for media

Search portal ZHAW swisscovery


ZHAW swisscovery serves as a single point of entry to search all ZHAW University Library holdings. You will be able to find both print and digital materials with a single search query. Full texts from the ZHAW digitalcollection, the ZHAW's digital repository, are also included.

The national research platform swisscovery lists more than 40 million media (books, series, journals, non-book materials) and more than 3 billion electronic articles.

ZHAW digitalcollection

The ZHAW digitalcollection is the ZHAW's digital repository. As a document repository and publication service for ZHAW staff, it contains ZHAW publications (working papers and theses), secondary publications (green open access), as well as bibliographic references.

You can find more information in the ZHAW digitalcollection wiki (in German).


Databases available

The University Library has a wide range of databases focussing on different specialist areas. If you are looking for a specific database for your field, use the ZHAW website search at the top of this page.

LinkSolver - link to full text

Many bibliographic databases are activated for LinkSolver. If you click on the LinkSolver symbol next to a citation in a database, you will be automatically redirected to the full text, if this is available. If it is not available, you will be redirected to ZHAW swisscovery, where you can check whether the document you are looking for is available in print form in a library.

Electronic reference works

Use our range of dictionaries and encyclopaedias to gain an overview of a topic, find a definition of a term or keywords for your search.

Further search options

E-book and e-journal supplier platforms

If you want to access only the e-books or e-journals provided by a specific supplier, you can use the e-book or e-journal supplier platforms. These platforms offer additional search functionalities, such as a full-text search. However, the platforms display not only licensed but also unlicensed sources. This means that only some of the hits will give you access to the full text.

Find journals and newspapers

The following list will help you to identify the right sources when searching for journals or newspaper articles. 

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Journal articles Databases
Newspaper articles Press databases
E-journals provided by suppliers or publishers E-Journal Platforms (in German)
Bibliographical information on journals, serials, newspapers Ulrichsweb
Journal archives for private individuals National licences

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