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Digital Transformation in Education

Digital Transformation in Education?

We support flexibilization and individualization in the spirit of lifelong learning. Therefore, we initiated our digital campus, produce various MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and transfer digital skills. Students, continuing education participants and employees can benefit from these offers.

Two examples: In the future, there should be study programs in which students can compile their own individualized curricula. This would equip them with the knowledge and skills required for their working life. ZHAW is the first university of applied sciences that offers free globally available courses on the online-platform edX.

Studying online

The Digital Campus is a platform for online educational courses. It is an extension and supplement to our on-site educational offerings. Our goal is to promote study options that are time- and location-independent.

ZHAW courses on edX
Swiss MOOC Services


New ways of teaching

To support learning processes in the best possible way, the ZHAW provides its teachers and students with a comprehensive infrastructure of digital tools: From the elementary Learning Management System to collaboration platforms and a secure exam browser. The Teaching Technologies and Didactics Group coordinates university-wide support and offers training, counseling and support in close collaboration with experts in the departments.

More about digital teaching and learning


Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are educational materials of any kind and in any medium that are available under an open license. Such a licenses allow free access as well as free use, editing and redistribution by others without or with minor restrictions. The originators themselves determine which rights of use they grant and which rights they reserve. The ZHAW promotes the sharing of educational materials, has a policy on OER and supports its lecturers in creating and sharing Open Educational Resources.

More about OER


Digital competence

We are committed to helping students and staff find their way through the jungle of digital tools with ease and confidence. Accessibility is a major concern for us because everyone should profit from the benefits of digitalization. ZHAW digital participates in the program “Strengthening Digital Skills in Teaching” by Swissuniversities. Thereby, we are helping to strengthen digital literacy among students, faculty and institutions. Read more:

LeLa Learning Lab (German only)

Swiss Digital Skills Academy | For educators, by educators (

Digital Literacy Skills in University Context | ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences


Digital Futures Fund

The "Digital Futures Fund" welcomes all ZHAW employees who would like to develop or test an innovative idea for digital transformation. Your input can contribute to the areas of education, research, management and support. All project leaders are automatically accepted into the digital community "Digital Futures Lab" through their funded project. This enables them to network and exchange ideas on specific topics with the community members

All about the Digital Futures Fund

More about the Digital Futures Lab community


BMFH Funding Program

The "BMFH Funding Program" is located at the interface between the ZHAW and vocational baccalaureate schools (BMS). Teachers, students and learners from the ZHAW and BMS environment can form teams and develop cross-institutional measures and ideas. The goal of the projects is to contribute to the successful and sustainable (long-term) transfer of BMS graduates to a university of applied sciences. The teams are asked to include digitalization usage and methods such as digital media content, online offers, digital collaboration platforms, apps, digital learning support, etc.

Informationen about BMFH (German only)