Personal integrity
Our culture - mindful, respectful and diverse
At the ZHAW, we protect the personal integrity of all students and employees. There is zero tolerance of discrimination, threats and violence, bullying and sexual harassment. This is regulated in the ZHAW's “Regulations for Protection against Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying”. Anyone who violates these regulations must expect consequences under personnel law or disciplinary action.
If conflicts arise, it is important to address them at an early stage and find constructive solutions. The ZHAW offers a wide range of counseling services to help in cases of conflict and to counteract inappropriate behavior and set boundaries at an early stage.
Code of Conduct
The ZHAW is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. We offer a broad spectrum of programmes that bring together experts from a wide variety of disciplines. The ZHAW employs just over 3,400 people, who are involved in research, service provision and the teaching of over 14,700 students. People with different sociocultural backgrounds and experiences come together at our university to learn and work together. The resulting variety of backgrounds and perspectives enrich us as individuals and as an organisation, making us more innovative and inclusive.

«We cultivate a university culture that focuses on dialogue as well as on the ability to reflect and to deal with conflict.” We consider it essential to offer everyone at our university a good learning and working atmosphere. This is why respect and mindfulness are the focus of our activities. At the ZHAW, there is zero tolerance for inappropriate behaviour such as discrimination, violence, bullying and sexual harassment.»
Prof. Dr. Regula Jöhl, President of ZHAW
What can each individual do?
Everyone must do their part to ensure good relations at the ZHAW. This applies as much to professors, lecturers, research staff, assistants, administrative and technical staff as to students. Everyone at the university is a part of the organisation as a whole and contributes to creating a good working atmosphere. It is important to pay attention and help others.
If someone is affected by or observes harassment and can do so, they should immediately and clearly draw the inappropriateness of the behaviour to the attention of the perpetrator. If this is not possible or if there is no improvement once the inappropriate behaviour has been pointed out, they should speak to a person in charge or seek assistance from the relevant counselling centre.
Do not hesitate to seek help at an early stage. The following advice centers will support you:
Counselling centres ZHAW
Discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment
Diversity Unit
+41 58 934 75 66
Conflicts at the workplace
Internal trust center:
External, independent counselling:
Psychological counselling
Psychological counselling centre
+41 (0)58 934 83 30
Violence / threats
Safety and security
Counselling: +41 58 934 65 50
Emergency (ZHAW 24-hour emergency number): +41 58 934 70 70
What is inappropriate behaviour?
Discrimination is disparagement of or unfairness towards students or staff due to their gender, physical or psychological disabilities, ethnic origin, skin colour, religion, political views, sexual orientation, gender identity, family situation, age, marital status or any other central personal characteristics.
Violence / threats
Violence and threats are activities causing other people to feel attacked, threatened, or psychologically or physically injured during their studies or at work. Such activities include verbal and non-verbal insults, humiliation, abuse, threats, social exclusion or the deliberate and persistent persecution or harassment of a person.
Bullying is behaviour that is systematically discriminatory, hostile and persistent over a long period of time and that aims to victimise, exclude or pressure another person. Examples are deliberate disparagement, refusal to provide information, assignment to offensive tasks or unjustified criticism.
Sexual harassment
Sexual harassment manifests itself in advances of a sexual nature that are unwelcome and perceived as threatening by the person concerned. Harassment can be done with words, gestures or actions, possibly involving promises of advantages or threats of disadvantages. Sexual harassment is behaviour that violates the dignity of other people during their studies or at work. The crucial factor is not the intention of the harasser, but how their conduct is perceived by the person concerned.
Sexual Harassment Awareness Day
The ZHAW supports the nationwide day of action against sexual harassment at universities in order to send a clear signal for the protection of personal integrity. Together with numerous universities, we are committed to a harassment-free university environment.
Respect prevention campaign

In 2021/22, the ZHAW launched the Respect prevention campaign. Its aim was to help raise awareness of inappropriate behavior and encourage university members to respond appropriately and report it at an early stage. Workshops for managers and heads of degree programs were offered to raise awareness of the content and increase the skills of the most important multipliers. In addition, all organizational units of the ZHAW offer low-threshold information services for employees and students to make them aware of the advisory services and to show them the first steps to take.

«With this campaign, we aim to remove taboos and raise even greater awareness of the topic itself as well as of our various counselling services. Intrusive and disparaging behaviour often causes stress, anger and feelings of powerlessness in those affected or involved. Seeking help early is worth the effort. Our internal and external counselling centres offer professional support that is confidential and free of charge.»
Svenja Witzig, Head of Diversity Unit

«The ZHAW would like all employees and students to find the necessary social courage to call attention to disrespectful behaviour. Management staff and lecturers, in particular, are required to fulfil their role model function in order to avoid inappropriate situations of any kind and to rectify them where necessary.»
Armin Dittli, Director Human Resources

«Our broad spectrum of counselling services allows us to support students and employees early on and to offer help in differentiated ways. In cases of work-related and private crises, we recommend our psychological counselling, which offers individual support. For conflicts at the workplace, an external, independent counselling centre offers professional help. At the request of those affected, there is also the possibility to address conflicts together with everyone involved. If you have any questions on discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment, the Diversity Unit provides help on a confidential basis.»
Imke Knafla, Director Psychological Counseling Center
Downloads and further information
- Download: “ZHAW Respect” campaign flyer(PDF 60,8 KB)
- Download: “ZHAW Respect” campaign poster series (in German)(PDF 82,6 KB)
- Download: “Handling conflicts at the workplace” flyer (in German)(PDF 55,7 KB)
- Download: ZHAW Regulations on the Protection against Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Bullying
- Link: «Counselling during your studies»