Digital Futures Map
ZHAW digital has been funding promising projects in the field of digital transformation since 2019. Our interactive, visual overview map shows the topics covered by the Digital Futures Fund (DFF) projects and what DIZH fellows are researching. Are you interested in what the ZHAW has already achieved in the field of digitalisation, or are you looking for specific topics or people? The Digital Futures Map is a roadmap for the curious. Have fun browsing!
Discover projects and researchers quickly and easily
Click on a tram line (overarching theme) to open the corresponding timetable with stops for specific topics. For example, the topic "Artificial Intelligence" is on the orange "Connectivity" tram line. A second click on this stop displays digitalisation projects that deal with or use artificial intelligence.
If the summary is not enough for you, you can use the links to find more detailed information about a project - if the project link is available. To return to the overview, click on the home button in the top left corner.

What makes the Digital Futures Map so special?
The visual representation and the mapping to current topic areas help a non-academic audience to understand and appreciate the ZHAW's contribution to digital transformation. The map is also a tool for researchers who are looking for potential partners for future projects, for inspiration, or to make their own research visible.
What is our map based on?
The Digital Futures Map is based on 12 research "megatrends" from the Zukunftsinstitut (as of 2023). We do not use the 12 areas to show "trends", but to systematise the research activities of the ZHAW. You can find out how the Zukunftsinstitut identified the 12 areas here (in German).