Initiatives and networks
There are numerous initiatives and networks for sustainable development within the ZHAW and in the university’s national and international environment.

Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development (ZKSD)

The four cantonal universities in Zurich have jointly founded the ZKSD. In doing so, they have created a hub for sustainability projects that show the way from knowledge to committed action and promote exchange among researchers, lecturers, and students at the four universities.

Several research groups at the ZHAW are working on issues related to climate change, making a valuable contribution on the path to a livable and renewable future. ClimateChange@ZHAW, an initiative of ZHAW lecturers and researchers, pools forces within the university and strengthens its visibility to the outside world.
The following list in alphabetical order provides an overview of initiatives and networks:
- ClimateChange@ZHAW - Several research groups at the ZHAW are working on issues related to climate change, making a valuable contribution on the path to a livable and renewable future.
- Climate-KIC - The ZHAW supports this European knowledge and innovation community with the aim of accelerating the transition to a carbon-free, climate-resilient society.
- International Sustainable Campus Network - The ZHAW is a member of the ISCN, an international forum for the exchange of information, ideas and best practices for sustainable campus operations and the integration of sustainability into research and teaching.
- Sustainability Week Zurich - Every year in March, the Sustainability Week takes place, organised by students from Zurich's universities. It is aimed at staff, students and the general public and offers a wide range of free events.
- Student Commission for Sustainable Development (NaKt) (in German only) - It is the contact for all matters relating to sustainability in the Alias - Students of the ZHAW association and is actively involved in raising awareness of sustainability issues among ZHAW students.
- Student Diversity Commission (in German only) - With its three intersections Q+, ZHAWoman and BIPOC, it is the student contact point for diversity issues, creates awareness and maintains an exchange with the ZHAW Diversity Office.
- sustainability at swissuniversities - The network links experts from Swiss universities, advises swissuniversities' committees and exchanges best practices.
- Sustainable Campus Living Lab (in German only) - This cross-institutional thematic funding from the ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management aims to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and make them visible on campus.
- U Change - Student Initiatives for Sustainable Development - The funding programme supports the implementation of project ideas by students at Swiss universities, at the ZHAW specifically through the Sustainable Impact Program.
- UN PRME - Principles for Responsible Management Education - By signing the Principles for Responsible Management Education, the ZHAW School of Management and Law has made a clear commitment.
- ZERB - Energy Research Board of the ZHAW - The inter-Schools board bundles research activities, makes results and potentials of energy research visible and mediates between external interested parties and ZHAW research groups.
- Zurich Knowledge Center for Sustainable Development (ZKSD) - The four cantonal universities in Zurich have jointly founded the ZKSD.
Sustainability Science Dialogue