Mission and strategy

«Social disruption, political uncertainty, technological change, and the climate crisis call for action. As a university of applied sciences, we embrace this challenge and drive groundbreaking solutions.»
Elena Wilhelm, Head of Higher Education Development
Towards a sustainable future
«Knowledge-based and competence-oriented», «transformative» and «European» - these are the three goals of ZHAW strategy for 2015-2025. With this strategy for our university, we want to sharpen our profile and keep moving towards sustainable solutions for the future.
Where is our society going? How are professional fields developing – and what will this mean for higher education and for research at universities in ten years’ time? Where do we stand? What developments must we support and push? These were some of the questions that the executive board, lecturers, researchers, other employees, and also students, grappled with in workshops, meetings and discussion groups, with a view to developing a new university strategy. The result is a strategy that has been approved by the Board of the Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts and that gives plenty of scope for freedom of thought and action. The goal is for the ZHAW to keep moving towards sustainable solutions to societal problems.