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Strategic and operational management

The ZHAW is a legally independent university. The Council of the Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts is responsible for the strategic management and the Executive Board for the operational management.

Council of the Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts

The Council of the Zurich Universities of Applied Sciences and Arts (FHR) is responsible for the strategic management of the ZHAW. Its functions and competences are governed by the Zurich cantonal legislation on Universities of Applied Sciences of 2 April, 2007. It is chaired by the Head of the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich. Members are elected for a term of four years and may be re-elected twice.

Members of the Council

Executive Board

The Executive Board is responsible for the operational management of the ZHAW. It consists of the President, the Managing Director and the Deans of the eight Schools. The President heads the University, chairs the Executive Board, and represents the ZHAW externally. To ensure that the University is run on uniform principles and to encourage cooperation, individual members of the Board are also responsible for trans-departmental affairs.


University Conference

In accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Universities of Applied Sciences Act, the University Conference (HSV) is an integral part of the University and constitutes the official representative body of the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. The University Conference represents all members of the ZHAW. Half of the delegates are lecturers and teaching staff, one quarter non-teaching staff, and one quarter representatives from the student body.

Contact: Dr. Christoph Kley, President