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School of Social Work

Career profile

With a Bachelor's degree in Social Work, a wide range of career opportunities are available to you; with a Master's degree, you can help to develop the social work for the future.

Bachelor’s degree

In the bachelor’s degree course, you obtain the foundations for work on case-specific and addressee-specific issues and problems.
For graduates, highly diverse, fascinating and consistently people-oriented professions await. You advise and support people who find themselves in difficult life situations, marked by poverty, disability, illness, addiction or abuse, for example. You provide support on financial matters, or help people to find work and accommodation or to set up and shape social networks. You create work and leisure opportunities that enhance coexistence and improve quality of life. You devise measures against exclusion and create public understanding of the situation of those who are socially disadvantaged. You represent the interests of individuals or groups when they unable to make their voices heard.

Master’s degree

The master’s degree course also qualifies you for positions with complex interdisciplinary tasks, possibly leadership roles in social welfare or health departments, public-sector social services, foundations, non-profit organisations, or in the corporate social responsibility departments of commercial enterprises.
Master’s graduates are able to design, implement and evaluate programmes that go beyond individual organisations, for instance in the area of child and youth participation. Graduates develop new solutions to complex tasks and issues regarding current social topics, initiate projects, carry out evaluation work and research work, and thus help the profession and discipline of social work to develop.

Potential areas of work