100 years anniversary
Applied Psychology in Zurich looks back on a 100-year history. The foundation stone was laid in 1923 with the founding of today's IAP.

Anniversary events 2023
Day of Psychology

What is the contribution of psychology in the future? How can lies be detected? What does AI do in psychology, or how can you overcome your fear of heights with the help of VR? And what does psychology look like on a stage in the working world?
We celebrated the Day of Psychology at the Kongresshaus Zurich. Visitors were inspired by our themed inputs and experienced psychology at first hand. They benefited from our exciting and varied programme and were amazed by the skills of a neuro-mentalist.
Psychology Week

Interested parties were given insights into current research findings and their application in practice. They immersed themselves in the world of psychology and were inspired by interesting topic inputs every day.
The history of Applied Psychology
What have shoes got to do with psychology?

Discover the history of applied psychology in Zurich in the interactive timeline. From the foundation of the Psychotechnical Institute in 1923 and the demand for psychological services as well as the training of psychologists.
From the recognition of the School of Applied Psychology as a professional university on a par with the universities to the merger with the ZHAW. Explore the history of applied psychology in Zurich through the ages.
Learn more (go to the German page)
Who are we?
The ZHAW Department of Applied Psychology consists of the Institute of Psychology, which is responsible for teaching and research, and the IAP Institute of Applied Psychology, which is responsible for continuing education and services. Research, teaching, continuing education and consulting constantly inspire, influence and question each other. In the transfer of knowledge and experience, we continue to develop both our range of services and the methods of practice.