Learning Materials ‘Gemeinsam online’
Learning Materials on Digital Media for Secondary Education Students
Conscious Use of Digital Media
Young people learn to observe themselves and look with awareness at their use of digital media. In addition to classical components of media literacy (media knowledge, use and reflection), Gemeinsam online [together online] puts a priority on important life skills, such as such as self-confidence or the belief that a person can have a positive effect and solve problems. In addition, the materials pay attention to family communication and, as a sustainable prevention project, include various target groups (school, family home, young people). Thanks to Gemeinsam online, parents will also understand better what their children are doing on the Internet and how they are using digital media. The design and the materials were developed by the Zurich University of Teacher Education and further developed and finalized by the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) School of Applied Psychology.
Project leader
No contact details available.
- Suchtpräventionsstelle der Stadt Zürich
- KITS – Kommunikations- und Informationstechnologien für die Schulen der Stadt Zürich
Cooperation Partner
- Pädagogische Hochschule Zürich
Further information:
- Stadt Zürich, Suchtpräventionsstelle, suchtpraevention@zuerich.ch
- Stadt Zürich, Schulamt, Fachstelle KITS für Kids, kfk@zuerich.ch