Supernanny TV3+
The study focuses on the psychological impact analysis of the Swiss television program Supernanny on TV3+.
Does the television program Supernanny provide true educational guidance for the families participating and for the viewers, or is the format not really suited to doing so? Are the parenting solutions suggested by Supernanny sustainable? What impacts does the program have on the families participating and on the viewers?
This study will examine these questions based on content analysis of the five Supernanny episodes on TV 3+ produced in Switzerland, interviews conducted with the families that participated and with the educational counselor on the program, and focus groups with viewers of the program.
The results of the Swiss study will be compared with international findings on Supernanny programs. Based on that, recommendations will be made for dealing with psychologically sensitive topics and situations in television programs such as reality shows or casting shows.
Project leader
Stiftung Suzanne und Hans Biäsch zur Förderung der Angewandten Psychologie