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School of Applied Psychology

Structure and content

Students in the Master’s degree programme deepen and expand their professional and methodological skills in many different core elective modules and acquire a very individualized, science-based profile with a strong practical orientation.

Master’s course of study

The Master’s degree programme teaches in-depth foundations of applied psychology and is strongly action- and application-oriented. It is therefore especially appropriate for students who wish to prepare for specific professional fields of work.

The Master’s programme can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis.  The workload of 120 ECTS credits is the same for both. The standard duration for full-time study is 2 years, or 4 semesters. The duration of part-time study can be determined individually. The programme has a modular structure. Modules are study units on specific topics; a module consists of one or more courses. Most of the courses are taught in German.

In addition to acquiring foundation knowledge and methodological skills in required modules, the internship, and the Master’s thesis, students choose from a broad spectrum of core elective modules to focus on specific topics. From this great diversity of core elective modules, Master’s students put together their individual plan of study for 40 ECTS credits.

Subject-specific core elective modules

Interdisciplinary core elective module topic

Sample individual plans of study

The Swiss Federal Act on the Psychology Professions provides that the Master of Science (MSc) in applied psychology entitles the holder to use the professional title ‘psychologist’. Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees awarded by universities of applied sciences and by universities are equivalent. A qualified Master’s degree also makes it possible to do doctoral studies leading to the doctorate.

To work as a psychotherapist, additional training is required to earn the federal postgraduate title ‘psychotherapist’. Certain specializations also additionally require the acquisition of a specialist title, for example in school psychology services the specialist title ‘child and adolescent psychologist’.

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Applying to the Master’s programme

Before applying, please become familiar with:

Online application to the Master’s degree programme (in German)


Overview of modules

At a glance

Degree: Master of Science ZHAW in Applied Psychology

Workload: 120 ECTS credits

Duration of studies: Full-time 4 semesters; part-time individually determined

Full-time or part-time study possible

Admission requirements: Swiss Bachelor’s degree in psychology and assessment if grade point average less than 5.00

Programme start: Fall semester, week number 38

Application deadline: 31 March ► Go to application

Location of instruction: Toni-Areal campus in Zurich

Language of instruction: German; English language skills required

Tuition fee: CHF 720.- per semester


Portraits of graduates

«I appreciated the personal atmosphere between students and teaching staff in the applied psychology programme as well as the wide-ranging studies with the variety of course contents.»

Jessica Güntert, MSc in Applied Psychology

«Completing the Master's degree programme in applied psychology opened many doors for us – I chose research on humans in the environment.»

Dr. Swen Jonas Kühne