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School of Applied Psychology

Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology

Research topics

Psychotherapy research and treatment research

Research projects in this area examine the effectiveness of different psychotherapy interventions and psychiatric treatment concepts.

Prevention and health promotion

Research projects in this area examine measures and concepts for prevention of mental illness and for promotion of mental health.

Health services research

Research projects in this area examine psychiatric health services mainly in the Zurich region.


Research projects in this area contribute towards development and evaluation of psychodiagnostic instruments.

Infant research

Research projects in this area focus on the first developmental phase of life, especially on the development of attachment between attachment figures and infants.


Research projects in the field of neuropsychology investigate associations between cognitive processes and well-being.


We are responsible for the curriculum in clinical psychology and health psychology. In the master‘s degree programme, clinical psychology is one of three areas of concentration that students may choose. The course contents in the bachelor’s degree programme are adult psychopathology and child and adolescent psychopathology. We also offer in-depth courses on mental disorders such as depression, schizophrenia, and more. The course contents in the master’s degree programme include, among others, methods of psychotherapy and special areas and issues in clinical psychology as well as specialized courses on mental disorders. Our lecturers are networked in the world of practice and have many years of teaching experience at the higher education level. Many of them also have demonstrated competencies in research.   




Head of Section Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology
