Developmental and Family Psychology
The section represents developmental psychology across the life span but in research focuses mainly on adolescence and adulthood. Here we often take a family psychology perspective (for example, effects of divorce or parental conflict on development) and with a culturally sensitive approach (for example, intergenerational relationships in cultural comparison). We are currently developing the research area "Development of people with a migration background". It is important to us to view individuals in interaction with the contexts in which they live. We are committed to a resource orientation.
Family development
Our studies on family development examine, for instance, the experience of burden and the resources of (ZHAW) university students who have a child. Here our research is guided by concepts of work-life balance, which in turn are frequently based on stress and resource theory approaches. The main research question deals with the associations between objective and perceived burdens, emotional and physical well-being, and academic performance.
Adolescent development
In adolescence one of the main developmental tasks is to achieve autonomy. This includes acting independently and competently in financial matters. The research study "Financial socialization" is investigating family and personal factors that play a role in the development of financial competence.
Development of people with a migration background
To research on people with a migration background we add a developmental psychology perspective that takes into consideration both risks and opportunities that this societal phenomenon entails.
The section is responsible for basic and specialization modules in developmental and personality psychology. In the bachelor’s and master’s programmes, the section ensures that our students in their later professional practice are able to base their actions and interventions on theory and research. We seek the right balance between a strong practice orientation and empirical and theoretical content.
In addition to the basic modules, the specialization courses prepare students for current fields of application, such as developmental and personality diagnostics, school psychology, occupational and career counselling, counselling in different phases of life and in crises, prevention, and geriatric psychology. We follow key changes in society and the market and take them up in the curriculum. In addition, our study programme promotes intercultural exchange and students’ intercultural competence.
- Developmental and Personality Psychology I & II
- Personality and Differential Psychology I & II
- International and Interdisciplinary
- Special Areas in Applied Developmental and Personality Psychology I, II, III & IV
- School Psychology I & II
- Counselling Areas in Developmental and Personality Psychology I, II, III & IV
Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht.
56(2), pp. 95-104.
Available from:
Kinder nach Trennung und Scheidung
Schneider, Silvia; Margraf, Jürgen, eds.,
Lehrbuch für Verhaltenstherapie : Band 3: Störungen des Kindes- und Jugendalters.
pp. 855-864.
Available from:
Kracke, Bärbel; Schwarz, Beate,
Entwicklungsfolgen des elterlichen Erziehungsverhaltens
Hasselhorn, M.; Silbereisen, R. K., eds.,
Enzyklopädie Psychologie: Serie V, Band 4 : Entwicklungspsychologie: Psychologie des Säuglings- und Kindesalters.
pp. 617-646.
Trommsdorff, Gisela; Kornadt, H.-J., eds.,
Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Serie VII, Band 2 : Kulturvergleichende Psychologie: Erleben und Handeln im kulturellen Kontext.
pp. 599-641.
Available from:
Reorganisation der Familie nach Trennung und Scheidung
Hasselhorn, M.; Schneider, W., eds.,
Handbuch der Entwicklungspsychologie.
pp. 522-533.
Handbuch der Psychologie ; 7.