Organizational Behavior
The Organizational Behavior Centre focuses on practice-oriented research and teaching. We develop evidence-based solutions for the challenges of a rapidly changing world of work. Our research and development work supports organisations in successfully shaping change.
Research for change in the world of work
The Centre for Organisational Behaviour deals with all current issues in the world of work and organisation in its research and development. We see ourselves as the competence centre for a theoretically sound and evidence-based approach to challenges arising from rapid social, technical and workplace change. We are regionally anchored and internationally well networked.
As a rule, our work is closely related to practice and our applied research and development helps to develop solutions that provide immediate benefits. In doing so, we represent the values of humanistic psychology, positive psychology and social sustainability.
Thematic focus
Our thematic focus lies in the following areas:
- Occupational health
- Digital diagnostics and intervention
- Digitalisation and digitality in the world of work
- Organisational development, new work
- Team research and team development
- Leadership, leadership development and leadership ethics
- Coaching and counselling
- Vocational, academic and career research
Unfortunately, no list of projects can be displayed here at the moment. Until the list is available again, the project search on the ZHAW homepage can be used.
In the area of teaching, we are responsible for the curriculum in the fields of work and organisational psychology, diagnostics, intervention and research methods. Counselling, developing, managing, diagnosing and designing training are psychological activities that are relevant in all areas of the world of work. We believe that practice and research not only complement each other, but belong together. In our teaching, we therefore endeavour to combine the two perspectives wherever possible.
Our international partnerships in India, Lithuania, Portugal, Berlin and Liechtenstein enable a global exchange of knowledge and innovative solutions in occupational and organisational psychology.
Beratungserfolge messen : das Veränderungsinventar für Laufbahnberatungen.
IAEVG International Conference: Career Guidance for Social Justice, Prosperity and Sustainable Employment - Challenges for the 21st Century, HdBA Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit, Mannheim, Deutschland, 6. Oktober 2012.
Seiger, Christine Pascale; Künzli, Hansjörg,
Tagungsbericht : Coaching meets Research ... Praxisfelder im Fokus 5./6. Juni 2012, Basel, Schweiz.
Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching.
19(3), pp. 367-370.
Available from:
Steinebach, Christoph; Steinebach, Ursula,
Enhancing supportive peer interaction : comparing the effects of three different interventions.
30th International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Cape Town, South Africa, 22-27 July 2012.
Jenny, Gregor J.; Brauchli, Rebecca; Deplazes, Silvia,
Arbeit und Gesundheit : eine systemisch-ressourcenorietierte Perspektive
Steinebach, Christoph; Jungo, Daniel; Zihlmann, René, eds.,
Positive Psychologie in der Praxis : Anwendung in Psychotherapie, Beratung und Coaching.
Beltz Juventa.
pp. 162-169.
Toggweiler, Stephan; Künzli, Hansjörg,
Aus den Rückmeldungen zu den eigenen Beratungen profitieren.
Panorama : Bildung, Beratung, Arbeitsmarkt.
2012(2), pp. 22-23.
Künzli, Hansjörg; Vogt, Kathrin,
Bewertung von Studien im Coaching und im Change Management.
Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg.