About us
The employees of the IAM have been conducting research, offering consultancy services and teaching since the turn of the millennium and maintain outstanding national and international networks with partners from the worlds of science and practice.
Facts about the IAM
- Founded in 2000
- Professional fields: journalism and organisational communication
- Topic: public communication in the realms of business, politics, culture and science
- Focus: public storytelling in convergent media
- Five research areas: Media Linguistics, Organisational Communication and Public Spheres, Organisational Communication and Management, Journalism Studies, Media Literacy, Digital Media
- Partner universities in Europe, the US, Kenya, India, China and Australia
- More than 300 industry partners in the professional fields of journalism and organisational communication
- Around 500 students on training and continuing education programmes
- More than 180 lecturers, external teaching staff and trainers
- Research funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
- Consultancy projects for clients ranging from SMEs right through to international organisations
What we do
The IAM provides scientifically based training and continuing education courses for the main professional fields of public communication: journalism and organisational communication. It conducts research and helps students to develop the skills they need to shape, manage and guide communication processes in these professional fields. To this end, the IAM uses knowledge from the disciplines of linguistics, media studies and communication studies, and links media linguistics with the realm of communication studies and the world of professional practice in a transdisciplinary manner. The IAM works at the interface between science and industry, makes theoretical knowledge usable for practitioners and integrates the knowledge and experience gained in practical settings. The IAM systematically acquires specialist knowledge through its research and incorporates this into its consultancy services as a source of expertise. Findings from the IAM’s research and consulting are integrated in its teaching activities.
More than 60 employees define, plan and implement the institute’s objectives, including professors, lecturers, research associates and assistants, and administrative staff. In excess of 140 external experts and trainers supplement our team as part of our academic programmes and continuing education courses.
Organisational chart

The IAM puts its trust in strong alliances with selected partners, building strategic networks based on practical collaboration on individual projects.
We maintain cooperations in Switzerland and abroad in the areas of university teaching, research and practical training.
The IAM blog
We don’t deal in empty words, but rather in lived reality: read our blog to find out what happens each and every day at the IAM both behind and in front of the scenes. Lecturers, researchers, students, graduates and professional experts report on their experiences, projects and adventures in the fields of organisational communication and journalism. In doing so, they share their stories from the perspectives of studying, experiencing, researching and shaping communication.
We hope to attract many readers, initiate stimulating discussions and would be delighted to receive any constructive feedback.