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School of Applied Linguistics

How companies engage in multilingual environmental communication and how NPOs and banks use language to build trust

On 7 November 2017, three graduates of the Master’s programme in Applied Linguistics received awards from our industry partners CLS Communication and Farner Consulting AG.

The international language service provider CLS Communication presented its award for best translation-related Master’s thesis to Nina Nembrini for her thesis “Tradurre la comunicazione ambientale delle aziende sul web. Strategie tra italiano e tedesco”.

Two Master’s theses addressing the role of trust in organisational communication received the Farner Award for Academic Excellence. Ladina Caprez analysed how nonprofit organisations (NPOs) build trust through corporate publishing, and Nathalie Siegmann showed how banks do so using the example of Raiffeisen’s CSR communication.

We congratulate the award winners and wish all 42 graduates of the specialisations in Professional Translation, Conference Interpreting and Organisational Communication all the best for their future careers.

More on the graduation ceremony

More on the award-winning theses