IPrA Conference

The 17th International Pragmatics Conference will be held online, hosted by the School of Applied Linguistics in Winterthur, Switzerland, from 27 June to 2 July 2021.
The International Pragmatics Conference is a biannual international event organised by the International Pragmatics Association in conjunction with a regional university. Every four years it is held in Europe, this year for the first time not only in Switzerland but also in the German-speaking region of Europe. It is a major international conference bringing together up to 1300 people, researchers, students and internationally renowned figures in the field of linguistics. The conference language is English.
The Special Theme of this year's conference is "The Pragmatics of Inclusion", focusing on processes of inclusion and exclusion in institutional and everyday language use, the media and online discourses.
More on the Special Theme "The Pragmatics of Inclusion"
We apologise for not being able to provide barrier free communication for the conference.
Keynote speakers
David Beaver, University of Texas, Austin, USA
Amy Kyratzis, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA - Susan Ervin-Tripp Lecture
Carmen Lee, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Miriam Locher, University of Basel, Switzerland
Maria Sifianou, University of Athens, Greece
Deborah Tannen, Georgetown University, USA - recipient of IPrA's John J. Gumperz Lifetime Achievement Award 2021
Programme and abstracts
Conference system and login
Link to the conference system Ex Ordo/Webex: https://ipra2021.exordo.com. Please explore our conference materials and online system ahead of the conference.
You can download all user instructions from https://pragmatics.international/page/IPrA2021online.
You will find four different documents:
- Attendee & Presenter Documentation(PDF 1,5 MB): this is crucial for all participants
- Session Chair Documentation(PDF 44,2 KB): essential for panel organisers and others involved in chairing sessions
- Stage Manager Documentation(PDF 880,9 KB): important for the small army of people involved in ‘hosting’ one or more of the 439 sessions
- Troubleshooting Webex(PDF 1,1 MB)
To train on the Ex Ordo/Webex system, you are welcome to join an open rehearsal.
Next rehearsals:
- Friday, 18. June, 11:15 AM
To attend a rehearsal, please log in to the conference system and subscribe to the rehearsal event.
Registration IPrA
Please visit the IPrA homepage to register for the conference.
About ZHAW
Our university is one of the leading universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. In our work in research and development, the ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences concentrates on important societal challenges, with a particular focus on energy and social integration. With locations in Winterthur, Zurich and Wädenswil, the ZHAW is firmly integrated in the local area whilst also collaborating with international partners. There are eight Schools in the University: Applied Linguistics; Applied Psychology; Architecture, Design and Civil Engineering; Engineering; Health Professions; Life Sciences and Facility Management; Management and Law and Social Work.
Facts & figures (2020):
- Students: over 14,000
- Continuing education participants: almost 10,000
- Employees: almost 3,500
School of Applied Linguistics (Winterthur)
Applied linguistics examines the role played by language and communication in real life situations – be it in society at large, in working life, in the educational context or the media, to name but a few examples. It is thus an eminently practical discipline. This practical focus is central to all the School of Applied Linguistics' activities, which aim to apply and implement the insights that this «science of language» has to offer.
The School of Applied Linguistics is the only dedicated linguistics school in a Swiss university of applied sciences. It deals with key issues in the fields of language, communication and media, and it aims to further the utility which business and society can derive from applied linguistics.
The school’s nearly 200 employees bring a wide range of practical and scientific skills and experience to the school’s four areas of activity: teaching, continuing education, research & development and consultancy. Sound scientific research lies at the heart of the teaching they provide in BA and MA programmes and in continuing education courses.
For further information about the city of Winterthur, see
Tourist Information Winterthur
Tourist Information, Im Hauptbahnhof, 8400 Winterthur
Phone: +41 52 208 01 01
Social programme
We offer a virtual social programme on Wednesday afternoon, June 30, 2021. You are invited to join a virtual guided tour about the industrial district of Winterthur. Registration is not required; you are welcome to join the tour via the conference system Ex Ordo/Webex.
Related events
Organising committee
Local organising committee
IPrA organising committee
The International Conference Committee includes, in addition to the LOC members: Barbara Bokus (Warsaw, Poland), Diana Boxer (Gainesville, USA), Frank Brisard (Antwerp, Belgium), Winnie Cheng (Hong Kong), Jenny Cook-Gumperz (Santa Barbara, USA), Anita Fetzer (Würzburg, Germany), Helmut Gruber (Vienna, Austria), Yueguo Gu (Beijing, China), Michael Haugh (Brisbane, Australia), Janet Holmes (Wellington, New Zealand), Sachiko Ide (Tokyo, Japan), Cornelia Ilie (Strömstad, Sweden), Helga Kotthoff (Freiburg, Germany), Sophia Marmaridou (Athens, Greece), Yael Maschler (Haifa, Israel), Jacob Mey (Odense, Denmark), Neal Norrick (Saarbrücken, Germany), Marina Sbisà (Trieste, Italy), Jef Verschueren (Antwerp, Belgium), Tuija Virtanen (Abo, Finland)