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Registration CAS Hippotherapy

Your registration is binding.

Additional fees
CHF 300.00 One-off enrolment fee for first-time enrolment in a MAS/DAS/CAS
CHF 200.00 Fee for application for admission sur dossier, irrespective of the admission decision

Basic module Hippology: Purchase of the compulsory reading book Hippotherapy, available from Orell Füssli, at the participants' expense.
The other course materials are included in the course fees and are provided in electronic form. The purchase of further specific technical literature is optional and is at the expense of the participants.


Please refer to the factsheet(PDF 184,5 KB) for the requirements for the shortened variants.

Please select an option (Priority is given to those who attend the whole CAS.)*
I have completed module 1 (Basic module hippology) and register for:
Personal details
Billing adress
To which address should the invoice be sent?*
Alumni ZHAW Health
I hold...*
Prerequisites (only fill in if you do not have a BSc degree)
(Multiple answers possible)
Professional activity
Submit documents

For admission to the CAS/DAS/MAS degree programms, we require a copy of your diploma, degrees and confirmations of further and continuing education.

If you register for the shortened CAS (LN only), we would like to ask you to submit your old legal title "Hippotherapy K plus / old course adults / new course children".

Additional documents can also be submitted to us by e-mail at Please mention for which further education you have registered.

Please note: Only one CampusCard can be active per person. If a new card is ordered free of charge, an existing card will be blocked. A turnover fee of CHF 50.00 will be charged for a replacement card.*
One more question
How did you become aware of this continuing education offer?**
Personal data
I agree that*
Use of your data
I confirm that*