Practical experience
Get to know the healthcare system in Europe or overseas with a clinical placement and expand your horizons.
The five Bachelor’s programmes at the ZHAW School of Health Sciences have their own provisions regarding placements abroad:
- Occupational Therapy: during the 4th and 5th semesters (Clinical Placement 2 or 3)
- Health Promotion and Prevention: during the 5th/6th semester (clinical placement)
- Midwifery: during the 5th semester (Clinical Placement4 ) or during the 4th year (additional module C)
- Nursing: during 4th year (additional module C)
- Physiotherapy: during 4th year (additional module C)
Within the framework of the SEMP programme (Swiss European Mobility Programme), each institution signs agreements numerous partner universities within Europe.The School of Health Sciences assists students in finding a clinical placement abroad in the city of a partner university or at the university itself (research placements). The SEMP programme also provides students with financial support.
Interested students are free to organise a clinical placement independently with a practice organisation abroad (e.g., a clinics). Within Europe, the School of Health Sciences can conclude an individual agreement with this practice organisation so that students can benefit from the Swiss European Mobility Programme.
A grant through the Swiss European Mobility Programme is possible if:
- the clinical placement takes place in Europe
- the placement lasts for at least two months
- the organisation already has an agreement with our school or is prepared to conclude a contract
SEMP funding includes:
- a monthly contribution of CHF 440
- submission of a final report
For additional information on application deadlines for clinical placements abroad, see information events in the individual study programmes (usually in April for the autumn semester and in September for the spring semester).
Worldwide exchanges
Students at the School of Health Sciences can also go further afield to find a suitable institution for their placement. Such placements are recognised within certain established frameworks. The International Relations Coordinators will help you to find out whether the desired placement is suitable and recognised by your study program. Currently, we have connections for placements in Bolivia, South Africa, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, and Taiwan.
For more detailed information, please contact
Additional information
International Affairs
Are you also interested in an overseas study visit? Don't hesitate to contact us.
International Partners
Spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities. It is a valuable experience for any student.
For questions regarding a semester or a clinical placement abroad, please contact our International Affairs office.
International Affairs
International Partners
Are you also interested in an overseas study visit? Don't hesitate to contact us.
Spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities. It is a valuable experience for any student.
For questions regarding a semester or a clinical placement abroad, please contact our International Affairs office.