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School of Health Sciences

Research in Midwifery

Porträt von Astrid Krahl

«With our research and development projects, we promote quality in obstetrics and midwifery – for the best possible care of women, children and families.»

Dr. Astrid Krahl, ad interim Head of the Research Unit for Midwifery

Research at the Institute of Midwifery and Reproductive Health is committed to health promotion and equal opportunities in the care of women and their families during pregnancy and childbirth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding.

Key Research Subjects

Midwifery, Obstetrics

These central research topics include the way in which pregnant women plan and experience their birth, as well as the quality of care during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. Midwife-led care models and counseling pregnant women at the beginning of childbirth are important research topics.

Project Examples

Reproductive Health

In clinical practice, midwives are responsible for reproductive health issues, from teaching sex education in schools to well beyond pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. This is also reflected in research. Research at the Institute of Midwifery and Reproductive Health has conducted research projects on risk perception of alcohol consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding or on sexuality around becoming a parent.

Project Examples

Health Inequalities

This key research subject includes projects on inequality in obstetric care, which often occurs unknowingly, and projects that focus on psychosocially disadvantaged families. The aim is to improve their accessibility, care and health literacy.

Project Examples

Education and Professionalization

In a larger educational project, a programme is being developed in collaboration with the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PH Zurich) to qualify trainers who work at the interface between the respective university and their professional field in practical vocational training. Job satisfaction and the length of time midwives stay in the profession are also important topics.

Project Examples

Our Services

Our research team offers the following services to clients and practice partners:

  • Development and implementation of research projects with social and health institutions
  • Compilation of overview work and systematic literature reviews including meta-analyses
  • Collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative obstetric data
  • Evaluations and expert opinions
  • Collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative obstetric data

Projects and Publications

The Midwifery Science Research Unit prioritises the best possible care for women, children and families during pregnancy and childbirth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding with a particular focus on evidence-based practice in obstetrics, the quality assurance and development of midwifery activities and healthcare research. All projects and publications of the Midwifery Science Research Unit are listed in the ZHAW project and publication database according to their start date and publication date.

Clients, Research and Funding Partners

We develop offers for our research and practice partners as well as clients that are tailored to their needs and issues. We have a broad spectrum of quantitative and qualitative research methods and other instruments at our disposal.

We offer a modern infrastructure and a wide range of skills, which are complemented by interdisciplinary networking within ZHAW and close cooperation with international experts in various fields.

In interdisciplinary projects, we work together with the research groups of Occupational Therapy, Nursing, Physiotherapy and Public Health.

Research Team

Our research team consists of researchers from the disciplines of Midwifery Science, Nursing Science, Sociology and Statistics. The employees are familiar with the recording, evaluation and dissemination of qualitative and quantitative data as well as systematic literary reviews and expert opinions.