MoveD: Open Research Data in Swiss Movement Laboratories
Motion analysis is used in various disciplines: for clinical decision-making, in rehabilitation or during the development of new medical devices. Different measurement systems can be used.

The process of making the data publicly available raises questions such as: "How do we ensure that privacy rights and data protection are guaranteed?", "In what format should the data be published?" or "Which personal and potentially identifying data should be published?". These questions reflect the fact that little of the data has so far been available to the public.
The aim of MoveD is to identify the challenges of publishing movement analysis data and to define guidelines based on this information. This will be done with the involvement of all movement laboratories in Switzerland.
Method and Procedure
The project is divided into the following work packages:
Definition of requirements
- Goal: Determine current practices on Open Access
- Methodology: Survey & workshop with staff from movement laboratories in Switzerland
- Duration: March 2023 - July 2023
Development of guidelines
- Aim: Develop open access guidelines for use in Swiss movement laboratories.
- Methodology: Expert interviews, legal clarification, feedback from movement laboratories’ staff
- Duration: June 2023 - August 2024
Prototyping of guidelines with use-cases:
- Aim: Evaluate applicability of guidelines in example projects
- Methodology: Evaluation of applicability, feedback from movement laboratories’ staff
- Duration: February 2024 – April 2024
Guidelines and Results
Key features include adherence to FAIR principles (ensuring that data is “Findable”, “Accessible”, “Interoperable”, and “Reusable”) and detailed recommendations for standards in metadata and data documentation.
Current guidelines and results are available here:
Project Organisation
- Project leadership
Prof. Dr. Eveline Graf, Institut of Physiotherapy - Project duration
March 2023 until Dezember 2024 - Project team ZHAW School of Health Sciences
Michelle Haas, Insitute of Physiotherapy
Bettina Sommer, Insitute of Physiotherapy
Project team ZHAW Services Researchdata
Dr. Felix Moerman, Research and Development Unit
Simon van Rekum, Research Data Services - Sounding Board
Balgrist Campus - Movement Analysis, Linard Filli
Bern University of Applied Sciences - Bern Movement Lab, Patric Eichelberger
Consortium Evidence-Based Surgical Decision Making
ETH Zurich - Movement Lab, Deepak Ravi
Hôspitaux Universitaires de Génève - Laboratoire de Cinesiologie, Stéphane Armand
Lake Lucerne Institute, Chris Awai & Christoph Bauer
Movement Analysis Zurich, Britta Krautwurst
Ostschweizer Kinderspitäler - Movement Lab, Natalie Alexander
Schulthess Klinik - Human Performance Lab, Renate List
University Children's Hospital Basel UKBB, Morgan Sangeux
University Children's Hospital Zurich, Kinder Reha Schweiz - Movement Analysis, Huub van Hedel
University Hospital Basel - Functional Biomechanics, Corina Nüesch - Funding
Co-funding ZHAW and swissuniversities - Project status