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School of Health Sciences

Semester abroad

A semester abroad broadens your professional horizons, can be combined with language lessons, enriches your experience, and helps you expand your international network of contacts.

On completion of at least three semesters in your Bachelor’s programme or two semesters in your Master’s programme, students at the School of Health Sciences can apply for a semester abroad. Because some universities have very different curricula, the transfer of credits earned abroad is only possible to a limited extent. For this reason, one or more semesters of study abroad may mean staying at ZHAW for that amount of time longer.

Partner universities (only in Europe)

Within the framework of the SEMP programme (Swiss European Mobility Program), each institute signs agreements with numerous partner universities within Europe. The International Relations Coordinators support students in organising and planning a semester abroad at a partner university.

A grant through the Swiss European Mobility Programme is possible if the stay...

SEMP funding means:

Application deadlines for a semester abroad are communicated during information events in each study programme (usually in April for the autumn semester and in September for the spring semester).

Other universities

Students can also do a semester abroad or a year abroad at a non-partner university. In this case, students have to become active themselves and source information on admission requirements and financing options. The International Relations Coordinators will be happy to help you put individual plans into more concrete terms during a consultation.