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School of Health Sciences

Infant Motor Profile - hybrid

This course imparts the necessary knowledge for you on the Infant Motor Profile (IMP), a modern video-based instrument to assess the motor development of infants aged 3 to 18 months. IMP provides information about the range of motor achievement and about the way in which the infant accomplishes his/her achievements.


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course certificate, Infant Motor Profile


06.05.2025, 03.11.2025, 25.03.2026


2 days contact teaching (live or online)


CHF 480.00

Comment on costs: 

Price from November 2025 onwards: CHF 590


  • ZHAW, Campus Stadt-Mitte, Building MG, Katharina-Sulzer-Platz 9, 8401 Winterthur  (Show on Google Maps)
  • hybrid course design - online participation is possible

Language of instruction:


Objectives and content

Target audience

Physiotherapists or occupational therapist with experience in the treatment of infants and young children



  • know and understand the current leading theory of neuromotor development.
  • understand the structure of the Infant Motor Profile.
  • know the different IMP domains and can distinguish them.
  • can perform the Infant Motor Profile correctly in practice.
  • can evaluate and interpret the Infant Motor Profile.


The Infant Motor Profile (IMP) is a new video-based instrument to assess the motor development of infants aged 3 to 18 months based on video-recordings of spontaneous motor behaviour in supine, prone, sitting, standing, walking and during reaching and grasping. The IMP provides information about the infant's motor repertoire, its abilities to select adaptive motor strategies and about gross and fine motor achievement. It consists of five domains: movement variation, adaptability, performance, symmetry and fluency. Initial studies have shown good reliability and promising validity.


  • Theoretical background of the Infant Motor Profile
  • Principles of motor development on the basis of the Neural Group Selection Theory
  • Evaluation of the IMP based on video examples
  • Implementation and evaluation of an IMP assessment with a child

The course can be followed as part of the continuing education course focus on infants or CAS Specialities in Paediatric Physiotherapy.


Teaching will usually take the form of hybrid learning where participants can choose whether to attend the course on site or online via video conference tool. Traditional and modern learning methods and media are used to ensure the best possible transfer of knowledge into professional practice: presentations, videos, joint assessment of IMP videos, practical presentation of the IMP on a child on site, discussions.

Syllabus outline
Knowledge: ●●○○○ (theoretical and scientific expertise)
Application: ○○●●● (practical knowledge, transfer, linking)

Enquiries and contact


  • Institute of Physiotherapy
  • Institute of Occupational Therapy


Prof. Dr. Schirin Akhbari Ziegler
Patrizia Sonderer (courses 2025)
Silke Scheufele (course 2026)


Admission requirements

  • Physiotherapist or occupational therapist from a university of applied sciences or with a college degree
  • Experience in  treating infants and young children
  • Knowledge of German is an advantage (the language of instruction is English)

Information for applicants

  • 1st course in 2025: 06./07.05.2025
    this course is fully booked, we have a waiting list
  • 2nd course 2025: 03./04.11.2025
  • Course dates 2026: 25./26.03.2026
  • General teaching hours: 09.15 am - 17.15 pm (exceptions are possible)
  • Essential reading: Manual Infant Motor Profile. Please order HERE in good time before the course starts. Costs: Hardback approx. CHF 100, Paperback/E-Book approx. CHF 25
  • Frequency of offers: annual implementation
  • List of low cost accomodation(PDF 188,9 KB)

Start Application deadline Registration link
06.05.2025 06.04.2025 Application
03.11.2025 03.10.2025 Application
25.03.2026 25.02.2026 Application

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