Evaluation Baby Friendly Hospital Label
The project examines the reasons and framework conditions associated with the decrease of certifications. In addition, the support by swiss stakeholders is examined and recommendations for the future of the BFH-Label will be elaborated.

Based on a global decreasing breastfeeding rate WHO and UNICEF launched 1991 the “Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative” with the aim to protect newborns in their first stage of life.
The BFH-Initiative was implemented in Switzerland for the first time in 1994. The label confirms that the «10 steps for successful breastfeeding” are applied in the certified hospitals.
Since 2003 the certifications and recertifications are decreasing in swiss hospitals. Therefore, UNICEF Switzerland and Lichtenstein mandated the public health research and midwife science research (ZHAW). with an external evaluation about the BFH label.
The aim of the evaluation is to examine the reasons why hospitals drop out of the label, what the obstacles are and what framework conditions would be supportive for the label. Based on the findings, recommendations for the future will be developed.
- Literature research on success factors in other European countries
- Focus group interview to explore the advantages and disadvantages of the label perceived by health professionals in certified hospitals
- Interviews with the management from certified and non-certified hospitals and with central actors in breastfeeding promotion
- Online survey of stakeholders in breastfeeding promotion
The findings and recommendations will be summarized in a final report for UNICEF. Participating professionals will be informed of the result in consultation with UNICEF.
Project organization
- Co-Project management
Sibylle Juvalta
Prof. Dr. Julia Dratva - Project team
Prof. Dr. Jessica Pehlke-Milde
Irina Radu
Sina Strasser - Duration
01.04.2021 – 31.12.2021 - Client / Partner
UNICEF Schweiz - Status