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School of Health Sciences

Admission and deadlines for the Master in Nursing programme

All administrative information for the Master’s degree programme at a glance.

Target group and entry requirements

The Master of Science in Nursing is aimed at graduate nurses who like to think analytically, have a high problem-solving ability, and are interested in the systematic development of nursing knowledge and new concepts for nursing practice. They have a high degree of independence in learning and working.

Entry requirements

  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing (from a Swiss university)

Equivalency procedure

Applications from candidates without a Swiss Bachelor’s degree are subjected to an equivalency procedure to check their suitability for the programme. This applies to nursing professionals with the following qualifications:

  • A foreign Bachelor’s degree in Nursing
  • A nursing diploma under the old regulations (“altrechtliches Diplom Pflege”) and a higher vocational qualification in nursing, Level II (“Höherer Fachausbildung in Pflege Stufe II”)
  • A nursing diploma under the old regulations (“altrechtliches Diplom Pflege”) and a Master of Advanced Studies in Nursing (with a nursing specialisation or nursing-relevant content)

Personal study counselling

Are you interested in a Master of Science in Nursing? What would be the right path for you? What prospects are opening up for you? We will be happy to take time for you and advise you free of charge and without obligation.

Registration for the MSc in Nursing programme

The registration platform allows you to register online for the Master’s in Nursing programme. You will be guided through the application, admission, and enrolment process.

Interview and admission

All applicants who meet the requirements will be invited to an interview.

During the interview, we will discuss your motivation for the programme as well as your scientific and clinical expertise and methodological skills.

Costs and expenses

Description Frequency Cost
Registration fee for admission process [1] once CHF 100.–
Enrolment fee for Bachelor's and Master's programmes [2] once CHF 100.–
Tuition fees for Bachelor's and Master's programmes [3] per semester CHF 720.–
Fixed charge for students on leave of absence [4] per semester CHF 300.–
Additional tuition fees for students who are not Swiss residents [5] per semester CHF 500.–
Membership of the Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) per semester CHF 35.–
Membership of the ZHAW Students Association (Alias) per semester CHF 20.–
Fees for guest auditors (depending on the number of courses attended) per semester CHF 100.– to 600.–

[1] Fee according to § 2 ordinance on tuition fees 
[2] Applicants are exempt from paying the registration fee for the admissions process if they pass the admissions assessment/test and enrol for the next available programme start date.
[3] According to §4 of the regulations on tuition fees
[4] According to § 25, paragraph 5 of the general examination regulations for Bachelor's and Master's programmes at the ZHAW, students on leave of absence are exempt from paying tuition fees. According to the regulations on fees and contributions (in German), they pay a fixed charge per semester of CHF 300.– to cover their e-mail account, campus card, use of the University Library and general administration costs. This fixed charge also applies to students on the Bachelor’s programmes at the School of Health Sciences who attend the additional module C and to students who do delay the completion of their programme (e.g. by postponing submission of their thesis).
[5] Under Swiss law, non-Swiss nationals who come to Switzerland to study are not considered residents of Switzerland (Art. 23 Swiss Civil Code). In addition to the regular tuition fee, they pay an additional tuition fee of CHF 500.– during the entire duration of their studies (even if they move their official place of residence to Switzerland after commencing their studies). Official residency under civil law is not possible if the residence permit was issued for study/educational purposes.

Additional costs

Item Recurrence Fees
Interview one-off expense CHF 200
Registration of documents with the Swiss Red Cross
one-off expense CHF 130

Notebook computer

You will need a notebook computer for this degree programme, which you will need to pay for yourself. The specifications for this notebook computer will be announced before the start of your course. ZHAW will assist you in purchasing the notebook computer. You will be notified of special notebook configurations when you start your studies. Our virtual private network (VPN) will enable you to establish a secure connection to ZHAW via a non-secured Internet connection, so you can use the services of our IT infrastructure at any time.
